L. Soohyuk x Hoshi: {Who?} [F]

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Few twists of my own! And also Fluff because I cannot bring myself to write any smut atm </3

POV: 3rd Person

  "Nugu..?" Everyone within the friend group had stared at Soonyoung. Having twelve pairs of eyes on him, with the exact same squint and raised eyebrow as they all, in the same tone, asking him 'who?' as they whipped their head towards Soonyoung?.. Not very good. The table had all been messing around in a restaurant at a very long table, laughing crazily as Soonyoung had decided to tell them his newest crush.

  Lee Soohyuk.

  The shy guy in their grade (Senior) who's pretty tall, face of an angel and probably God's very own favorite human of this era, oblivious to everyone crushing on him because of his 'Who would like me?' attitude. Of course, theoretically, due to his quiet nature and lovely smile that he seems to hide from the rest of the world unless it's those who he had accidentally shown his captivating charm to, he should be unknown.

  But it seems that everyone in the school knows him, and it seems that he's the only one who's unaware that they even know him! And the group wouldn't have known him, either, if not for him being Seokmin's fraternal twin. Their matching bright smiles, smiling eyes as they do smile, radiant energy - one suppressed and one not - and their sharp noses and jaws are the things they have in common.

  While Seokmin's popular due to his loud behavior but a very good student at the same time along with his entertaining speech; Soohyuk was quiet, a polite guy who doesn't step out of line to be funny but instead stays in his own lane and is funny without much work. That was the reason why it drove Soonyoung to like him even more.

  To have someone so pretty but yet so oblivious - so unaware that he's wanted, and oh, did Soonyoung want to let the other boy know that he was absolutely desired.

  "Soohyukie?.." Everyone had stared at him once he had uttered out those two syllables. Seokmin's jaw had dropped onto the table, eyes wide and glossy and completely out of his wits that his second trio from BooSeokSoon would have a crush on his twin brother.

  Soohyuk was really not someone who anyone would expect Soonyoung to be interested in. Not it being the fact that Soohyuk was a boy - no, because everyone knows the Tiger-Loving male was definitely round in some way even if he wasn't particularly gay or straight, but because Soohyuk wasn't.. someone who even the group who deemed themselves as Seventeen would've ever thought of.

  "Okay. This is ridiculous." Minghao had rolled his eyes before turning back to his conversation with Junhui in all Mandarin, voices low as to not disturb, but from the way they were glancing back at Soonyoung, it was clear they were talking about him.

  Whatever. Their group had consisted of couples, and even as some were single - their maknae (Who was the only one at the table who isn't a Senior and rather a Junior), and Jihoon - it did not mean that those here were not homosexuals. Sure, they may be the only group of homosexuals in their school who were accepted because they were handsome, but that didn't mean people took interest in them.

  They were just.. good friends and good partners for each other. Like a group of performers seen on TV.

  Unfortunately, while Soohyuk was twins with Seokmin, it did not mean he took interest in their friend group, either. Hell, he would be surprised if Soohyuk even knows his name. "Well, if it helps, my brother's gay. His celebrity crush is Cha Eunwoo."

  "Great, I'll never be like Cha Eunwoo." The boy could only roll his eyes and hope that one of these days, his bisexual disaster self could even get a glance from the beautiful boy that he had pinned for.

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