MinLix: {Stay} [F]

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Based on the SKZFlix thing

POV: 3rd Person

  Well, Minho had always known that Felix shared the same goal and dream as he did. To become an actor. They bonded pretty well over that, Minho wasn't the type to open up either but with the same interests and a lot to talk about, they got along pretty well.

  Though he had always noted that Felix always acted a bit odd and people don't really acknowledge him, the younger didn't seem to mind and just comes along with him. It was nice. To have someone with the same dream.

  The both of them had been cast to be part of this short film that a few guys at a different college were talking about. Minho sits in a chair, and Felix also sits down. "So, are you in?" Chan speaks to him, and he turns his head to Felix.

  "I'm in." The blonde's deep voice feels soothing in his ear. Minho turns back and replies the same. They're filming now and everything goes pretty well, giddy to see the end result soon. They're almost on the last few scenes and reshoots, and it's fun, it's not serious and Felix seems to like that.

  They sit in the theater in campus, trying to see their end result, and Minho sits there. He doesn't notice how Felix wasn't right there either, he doesn't notice how the younger wasn't right next to him because well, maybe he had just decided to go use the bathroom.

  When it comes to one of the scenes that took them a particularly long time on, Felix... wasn't on-screen? Did they somehow cut him out without noticing Minho because how could they do that? Felix had done an amazing job on this scene.

  "Where's Felix?" He casually asks, Seungmin sitting next to him, eating a bit of the popcorn.


  "Felix, the guy who auditioned with me?" He raises an eyebrow, eyes still looking at the screen, the scene had already passed. "You know, the blonde one."

  "We never had a Felix, we only cast you." Seungmin sounds too casual for him to be acting and Minho springs up from his feet, something's clearly not right.

  "What?" He runs over to the isle, bombarded with the rest of the group, "Where's Felix?"

  "Who?" Chan speaks up, and he sprints out, passing them and knocking over their hand-made cake, running to where they had first met. Felix can't have gone yet. He doesn't even know if Felix was going to leave, but there was something that told him that Felix was leaving. And he might not even come back.

  And his heart is burning from all that running, but he's continuing even if his legs can't handle it because he doesn't want to let Felix go. There's something more to their friendship, and Minho can feel it.

  He could feel it with the times they've spent together, and well he hoped that Felix felt it, too. But there was something about him.

  He'd grown too fond of Felix to return to just feeling like they were just best buddies.


  Felix was laying on the wooden table, feet on the ground, knees bent so he could lay down. It was a peaceful day. He'd traveled, and he knows. He just wants to see someone he desperately wants to see. Someone where he used to be, but left.

  His Hyung, Minho. He'd died in a car accident, how was Felix supposed to live with that? When the only person he had was Minho, someone who had lifted him despite his cat-like personality and constantly refuses his hugs and kisses. Refusing PDA because it was embarrassing, but he'd do it nonetheless.

  Someone who loved his cats and had left them behind.

  He could see the bright sky, this new universe was no different from his last, bright and sunny as if time hadn't stopped. As if all was fine. Nothing was fine, he wanted Minho-Hyung. He wanted to see the older happy, smiling. Maybe he would even love someone else, and that was fine too, even if Felix wasn't the type to share the older.

  "Who are you?.." Felix gets up in a flash, turning around to the direction of the voice, he would've sobbed if not for him seeing the small cuts and bruises on the older's face. The exact same places that the bruises were in when he came to the hospital.

  He kept calm, they haven't met yet. And already knowing the older once, he knows how to approach him. Calmly. "I'm Felix, new transfer." He gestures to his uniform. This used to be the place of their hangout, he wasn't sure if this universe had it, but he found it.

  "Oh, Minho." Minho sits down, placing a bag between the both of them, most likely an excuse to not get too close to a stranger.

  "What happened to you?"


  "The bruises, I mean."

  "Ah. Just... an accident."

  Felix wants to dig further, but now isn't the time. He frowns just slightly, but the older hands him a thing of ice cream. "Stop frowning, it makes you ugly." He teases, and they're already on a good start. Felix should leave soon. But it doesn't hurt staying here for a while.


  Minho is in front of him now, and it's dark out by now. He'll be leaving soon.

  Minho wasn't supposed to be able to see him in the first place, but Felix is selfish, and he was glad the older was able to see him, even if he sometimes looked like a crazy guy. He's pushed back onto the table, Minho's head on his chest, hugging him close. Legs on both sides of his thighs.

  The cat owner's grip is tight, pulling him so close that they start sitting up, having the older straddle his lap, arms around his shoulders. "You're leaving me, aren't you? Why can't they see you? You were filming with us." More questions are muffled when Felix gently takes the back of his head and pushes him close, so his tears would seep into Felix's shirt.

  Felix swallows, not sure what to do. The younger could only wrap his arms around the latter and pull him impossibly closer, muffling the little sobs. "I'm not going anywhere." His deep soothing voice strums the quiet evening's air and into Minho's ears.


  "I will, I'm always here for you."


Author's note: Yup

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