Yoo Jaeyoo x M. Reader: {Paw} [F]

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From Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 because it's better than the first season (except Rang's relationship with that mermaid was so forced it's crazy)

Context: Jaeyoo serves Hongjoo, but with the new edition to their guesthouse, he seems to can't take his eyes off of you. You make him feel things he didn't understand, practically driving him crazy. Sometimes, a puppy just has to slightly move away from its owner for a different type of love. You're also from the future but wanted to find a new place.

POV: 2nd Person

  Well, you arrived before Yeon, Shinju, and Rang did. You know they'll be coming soon. You go into Myoyeongak, hired there as a wood chopper, so you'd get them the wood they need to expand or just for warmth. You're wearing a pretty tight shirt, like a rag, that hugged your muscles tightly.

  You're quite proud of your big build and muscles, able to do anything, as you were a bear. You scratch your prickling beard as you walked in.

  "Madame." You bow as you spot the employer walking around elegantly with a puppy by her side - probably on a stroll around the area to greet guests, tailing just a step behind her. His angelic face, stoic, but pretty nonetheless.

  "Ah, yes. You are the wood chopper?" She stares you down as you bow a 90 degree. Instead of feeling her gaze, however, you feel Jaeyoo - Hongjoo's assistant - stare at you. His stare burning onto your back.. He's staring for quite some time.

  "Yes ma'am." She leaves after humming. Acknowledging you. She walks until she realizes that - Jaeyoo wasn't following her. He looks back to find him, staring at you as he slightly, and reluctantly trudged over to her.

  "Jaeyoo." Her voice breaks him out of that trance. He whips his head to her, quickly making his way over after giving you a polite bow of the head. He goes to her, Native Jindo's loyalty brimming through his human form even as he tries to suppress it.


  It didn't take too long for you both to become friends, though Jaeyoo was a bit hesitant and shy, thankfully you guide him and stick yourself to him enough that he'd let you into his circle.

  You see him, and he's just lounging around, not called by his master as she was going out with Yeon (she's as delusional as one could get). Walking around and helping the ladies working. You give him a wave.

  "Jaeyoo!" You wave at him, smiling. He flushes red and you raise an eyebrow. Putting down your axe as you make your way over to him. "What's wrong?" You wipe your hand on a towel that you had around your neck - annoyingly sweaty, and you hope he doesn't mind.

  It doesn't take you long to notice how you're almost a head taller than he was. He looks up at you and blinks, "Oh- oh. Yes. N/M-ssi." He gives you a small, soft smile, you feel your heart thump.

  It's not a new feeling, you've felt your heart thump for others before. But not like this. Not in a way that was this strong, like your whole body was levitating in the clouds. You know you're falling. But, what about him?


  The next time you see him, you're dressed in something relatively nicer. "Jaeyoo! Let's go out in town." You smile and he nods. His smile also bigger than the last few you've seen lately. His ears always red. Since a few nights ago, you've made a mission.

  To make Jaeyoo fall in love with you and reciprocate your feelings.


  To flirt with him and hit on him shamelessly, obviously. "You look so cute!" You cup his face in the middle of the street with bustling people, and he successfully splutters, his legs slightly shaking and you could tell. His cheeks are splat against your hands as he blinks up at you, making puffy duck-lips.

  His pink lips were so soft and kissable, it makes you wonder for a moment if anyone has had the chance to get a taste of them. You feel a small grumble erupt from your chest. "Have you kissed anyone, Yoo-ah?"

  "W-what?" His hands are now on your chest, keeping you at a distance, but he doesn't have the intention of pushing you away. His eyes big and puppy-like. So adorable.

  It's pretty dark out by now, you've brought him out of Myoyeongak for a night stroll, his master was probably sleeping, and she told him he could leave his post (she said that to him since she brought him in, but he only slept outside of her door in his dog form) so he takes his chance to leave.

  No one was walking around, just a few animals running around at night to hunt, but nothing much. You bring his face closer. Now a hand on his waist and pull him close. You could hear his breath hitch, eyes widening. You let a hand rest on his neck, closing your eyes as you lean closer. Meeting his lips.

  His eyes flutter close for just a few seconds, melting into the kiss, before reality sets in and he pulls away. "N-N/M." His mouth hangs agape, already starting to swollen from such small interactions.

  "Paw." You command, holding out your hand, and he instinctively places it onto your hand. His small ones fitting into your own. You smile and he splutters. You guide Jaeyoo's hand to your shoulder.

  You smash your lips against his again, feeling his hand tighten around your shirt and shoulder. The moon shines on him in such a perfect angle that he looks like an angel.


  The next morning, Jaeyoo wakes up late. Right next to you as he curls up, his delicate skin filled with marks. Hair messy. Lips swollen and bitten. He quickly leaves after giving you a kiss on the head to get ready. When he comes to Hongjoo - she raises her eyebrow, clearly noticing his messy attire and adorned neck.

  "So.. You slept with him?"

  "W-what?! N-no! I-"

  She gives him a stare, "You dare lie to me?"


  "Where does your loyalty lie?" She's clearly messing with him, but he's taking this way too serious than it has to be.

  "Y-you, Ma'am!"

  "Bad-" Before the next word was uttered, Jaeyoo cries out.

  "No! I'm sorry I lied! I- I betrayed you!" She chuckles and pats his head. It's more than enough to say that she doesn't mean it and was messing with him. With the way he looks at her, it was like he was wounded all over again but in a much, much, more adorable way.

  "You can go to him. I don't mind." She looks over his shoulder to look in your eyes. The way she glares at you tells you that if you messed up, she was sure to hunt you down. You gulp.

  This feels like meeting a girlfriend's father.


Author's note: Yup, clearly no plot

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