Charles x Edwin: {Fri(end)s} [F]

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POV: 3rd Person

  Edwin knows that if he confessed right here, right now, he would have nothing to lose. He would simply let himself get dragged back there and never rise back for an eternity if he sensed that Charles was uncomfortable by his presence.

  They grew and died in different timelines, but the Edwardian did know that even as time passed, the friendliness to people like him did not seem to strengthen too much. Edwin knows, that even if Charles was fine with those like him, he knew that it was different if it was going to be him. That, maybe, Edwin was the exception for Charles' opinion on those who were.. unusual.

  Edwin can't help himself but feel this way. He's in love with Charles, and he'd been enlightened. Yet, he still can't see himself and those like him were.. different. Were strange and unusual, all because of his upbringing and the time period he lived in before he died.

  His point of view has lessened on others, but stayed for himself. He could remember how he recoiled at Thomas' suggestive comments on what his punishment should be when he was still in Port Townsend. 

  He'll be fine in Hell, the feeling of pain wouldn't hurt him as much as this would. Edwin doesn't even consider hiding his feelings before confessing, he doesn't think twice about it. He wants to be honest to Charles, and it would hurt him more to hide it. So, as he stops on the spiral staircase - about three floors from making it to the top, he pants. "It'll have to find another way- so-" He takes his breaths, his lungs burn from running from the doll house to here.

  Edwin knows he's weighing them down, Charles doesn't need to breathe, and the only thing that spider is coming for is him. It doesn't care for Charles, as Charles isn't meant to be here. Edwin was. ("Do you think it has to be torture? Being the way we are?") Its only goal is to drag Edwin back down to receive what he deserves.

  "There's no version of this where I didn't come get you, is there?" Charles is going through the motions of being the guy he is, and Edwin could feel his heartache, ever so slightly.

  "I'm not mad- I-" He splutters for a moment, trying to recollect himself before grabbing Charles' wrist to turn him back around. "I love you." Charles makes a joke, and he could feel it squeeze within himself. He knows Charles can feel his heart down here, his cold skin against Edwin's heat from running, he knows Charles can feel his tears fall down onto his cold hand as he tells him he's in love with him.

  He makes a comment on Orpheus and Eurydice, and all Edwin feels is his heart getting stabbed. "That story ends tragically." And he really hopes it's not what Charles had done because then Edwin would've been dragged back to Hell by now for Charles' ability to not being able to stay quiet.

  (For non-Greeks like me, Eurydice got put into the underworld and Orpheus makes a deal with Hades, Orpheus goes down to get Eurydice but if he talks to Eurydice, she'll be stuck in the underworld forever, and when they were almost there, Orpheus overthought and turns back to talk, and then he never gets to see Eurydice again [I had this information told to me by a Greek Mythology friend])

  "Right.. never finished it." Charles rubs the back of his neck, glancing away for a moment before Edwin frowns at him with teary eyes, telling him that he was serious. Charles is hurting him, but yet Edwin had seen it coming. Who's there to blame when Edwin was the one that decides to break his own heart?

  Charles tells him that he would go to Hell for Edwin and no one else, that he loves Edwin, but just not in that way. That he loves Edwin so much, but he doesn't know what that means, and that they have an eternity to figure it all out. It softens and creates a cushion for Edwin's heart, feathering it as it fell and almost shattered from Charles' first statement. 

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