Kang Yohan x Kim Gaon {Dating? No...} [F]

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POV: 3rd Person

  Yohan loves his niece, and, as the nanny would say, he lost all reason when it came to her. She could ask him for anything and he would give it to her without much question.

  But there's something that's about his niece. It was about how she would suspect everyone who was female who talks greatly, or knows him to be his lover. Well, he could see why, the two women she had suspected so far were pretty, but he doesn't see her vision.

  They might've lived together for years of her life, but that doesn't mean their tastes in people were the same, and he's pretty sure, by a long shot, that his niece was getting it all wrong because the answer was very close to her. A person she'd grown fond of, but had no idea it was them.

  Well, for one, it was Gaon, and she thinks Gaon likes Soohyun despite the fact that he rejected her 5 times, and they both got over it already. She probably doesn't even realize what goes on in Yohan or Gaon's bedroom on some nights or how either of them sometimes end up in each other's rooms in the mornings when they were too lazy to get up and move.

  But, well, it's not like Yohan would be seen on the weekdays anyway, since he gets up before everyone else in the house. 

  "So you're dating?" She looks at Jinjoo and back at Yohan who tilts his head.


  "But she was gushing over you on TV last month." She tries to reason with her uncle, only for him to shoot it down right as she finishes her sentence.

  "I said we aren't! Stop making Judge Oh uncomfortable." He clicks his tongue and looks over to Gaon. They've had a few guests over lately since Gaon was now part of their residence, and it was only more unfortunate that he brings over more female friends than males.

  "Why don't you ask Gaon these questions?"

  "Because he likes Soohyun-unnie, I'm not gonna budge him if he already has a crush, unlike you. You're not fun." She digs her chopsticks into her rice as she ate, glaring at her uncle who took that accusation with much offense.

  "Excuse you, I'm very fun." He pouts and Gaon stares lingers for a bit too long and he catches himself. He's hoping that Jinjoo doesn't say anything and just leave him alone. But she looks at him with a teasing smile and he frowns.

  He mouths to her, 'What?'

  'Nothing' but she wiggles her eyebrows and goes back to eating. 


  Elijah wakes up in the middle of the night, the sounds coming from somewhere sounded quite strange, so she reluctantly gets up to go tell her uncle to be quiet so she could sleep. So she pushes herself up, getting on her wheelchair. She pushes herself down the corridor, pausing when the sounds suddenly get loud.

  "G-Gaon!" comes the yelp and she freezes.

  She pushes herself faster and she turns the nob, there's a small pained sob from her uncle, but the usually unlocked door is locked. She knocks, "Yah, Kim Gaon! What are you doing?!"

  There's a curse and shuffling before her uncle yells, completely fine now, "Nothing, we're working!" There's a small whimper and a slap, "Yah, Gaon." Yohan turns and warns for him to stop moving. He was not planning for Elijah to realize what they were up to.

  But thankfully, Elijah didn't look too much into it and left them after telling them to stay quiet.


  Yohan sits at the dining table in his bath robes, hair still wet and he yawns as he waits for Gaon to finish cooking. He'd taken notice in the mirror this morning as he finished showering to check where the marks were. He found a bite under his ear and near his collarbone, there were a few more on his neck.

  He covered what he could but the robes could only do so much. He sat there, tired, hoping Elijah doesn't comment when she enters the kitchen this morning. "Gaon, I told you to not-"

  But Gaon sounds him out like a kid, and he huffs, leaning back on his chair. He pulls up his robe's hood and pulls onto the strings, tying a bow on it. Elijah finally arrives right when the food is done.

  "What's wrong with your neck?" The question Yohan hoped she wouldn't ask about, but she noticed a little bit too quickly for neither of them to like.

  "Nothing, just a small accident." He grits his teeth and gives Gaon a look from the corner of his eye who just slowly turns back to putting rice into their bowls. 

  "Are you guys dating or what?"

  Yohan chokes on his water, coughing as he practically punches at his chest and Gaon catches a bowl from falling onto the ground, preventing it from shattering. "What?" The older sends a glance towards Gaon who could only helplessly stare back.

  "So? Are you dating? You're always attached to each other. I never thought this would be an answer to your love life, too." She taps her chin, thinking.

  "Dating?.. No..."

  "I saw you guys kiss at your desk." Elijah blurts and that effectively makes Yohan open his mouth and close it, speechless.

  "Hyung, it's about time she finds out." Gaon shrugs a little bit too casually for this situation.


Author's note: This was supposed to be with Lee Rang, but I gave up

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