Alex x Henry: {Shining Armor} [M-ish]

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I'm deciding to mix the actors and the characters, so

POV: 3rd Person

  For as long as Alex could remember, he'd been Henry's knight in shining armor.

  They grew up around the same time as his highness, the male being just a few months younger than him. As soon as Alex learned how to walk and talk. He held a sword and was ready to throw himself in Henry's way, even if he didn't know what that meant yet.

  They grew up together, and at the age of four, it felt as if they finally understood the world. They understood that they would never be in the same positions of society, even if they didn't know what that meant. The prince and he would never be in the same position as him to share a drink.

  But that was fine. Alex didn't know what that entailed, and neither did Henry.

  The blonde male had been bullied by one of the nobles at a gathering. His frame had not yet been built, and he had kept walking back until his back had hit a wall. Alex could remember sensing the danger, his feet dragging him until he found the nobles all crowding themselves around his prince.

  Alex had jumped in, and pushed them all away, telling them off even as they made fun of Henry for hiding behind a mere peasant. Alex had covered him behind his lengthier build, and turned around once they were gone.

  The knight could remember how their eyes had met. How those beautiful blue eyes had been glossed over by tears before Alex had hugged him and told him it was okay. Their little hands clasping together as they decided to no longer separate that night until Henry had been scooped up into his parents' arms and went back to Kensington palace.

  As they grew up, their closeness was undeniably growing stronger, rarely going anywhere without each other - or well, Alex was the one following, but it wasn't as if Henry didn't indulge in his wants either. And Prince Henry had definitely grown taller than Alex. The knight had learned from the prince of his skills to read and write, but his highness could only teach so much, leaving Alex with the ability to read at least simpler words and write them.

  Usually, Henry just read to him in the private library that no one really visits but them. Henry rather loved it, reading and leaning his head on Alex's shoulder. They were young and didn't know what that entailed. What it showed within their relationship.

  So of course. Alex had felt something when Henry comes to him one night, opening the door to his room and ushering Alex in to tell him that he was going to be married soon. It didn't feel very good. In fact, it felt as if there was an ugly fire growing within him, burning his heart like a forest. There was something that set within him that he didn't like. He swallowed it down.

  "I'm happy for you, your highness." His voice wavered, and a taste of bitterness filled his tongue. Henry merely frowned at his scripted answer, wrapping his arms around Alex for comfort, to which the knight gladly reciprocated. Did Henry have to get married so early? After all, his older brother - Philips - hadn't even gotten betrothed yet.

  "I don't want to." They slowly move away from each other, and there's pain within the prince's eyes. Their lips connect, and it's as familiar as ever. They're friends, and he's here to comfort his highness, no matter what it is or how he would be doing it.

  He doesn't know when this has started, but it's been five years since they've started doing this. Alex remembers when Henry had been worried and done it for the first time. Gentle, soft hands cupping his face and plush full lips meeting his own. It was as if they've always done it that Alex hadn't even flinched, leaning in and letting the royal pull at his curls however he pleased.

  There's a bile in Alex's throat when he looks at his highness in all wedding attire, to take a hand of a princess who doesn't seem to interest him in the slightest. No one seems to notice the look in Henry's eyes as he smiles his brightest as they took a few pictures for a later portrait. There's pain in them. If anything, Alex knows Henry's face the most. The smallest twitch, down to the invisible look in his eyes that no one else seems to notice.

  Henry wants out, and Alex painfully knows so too, but can't rescue him like he did other times.

  Alex's post is right under the large balcony of the prince's room tonight. He could hear the glass door clicking open, but he doesn't look up to see if Henry was trying to find him. After all, it was the wedding night, and maybe they just wanted some air. Maybe Henry wasn't even the one opening the doors, and maybe it was actually the princess he was married to.

  But as Alex hears the soft voice of Henry from above, calling out to him, he looks up. He could see Henry's beautiful eyes that the moon so decidedly lights up on. They're glassy, and the knight's heart cracks ever so slightly, but the beholder is so beautiful that his breath is taken away. The knight has half a mind to lean against the brick wall, grabbing onto the tight vines and wishing he could climb up.

  "Please get up here." Henry's voice is pleading, but yet it sounds commanding. There's just something about it, but the man was a prince, and Alex could expect no less but demand. Henry tosses down rope, tying it to the balcony, and is watching as Alex climbs against the wall and hops over the railing.

  Henry's soft hands are pulling at the collar of his uniform, smashing their lips together, they're so close that the knight could see the royal's eyelashes flutter shut, eyebrows knitting together in discomfort. "Your highness."

  "Make love to me."

  He doesn't need to be told twice, hands placed on Henry's hips as he guides the prince backwards onto his bed. He could map out the man's room with his eyes closed, being in there so many times but never getting to settle as he has to leave before sunrise. He'll never get to see Henry wake up next to him and how his face would look so serene and sun kissed as the sun makes its way into the room.

  His highness' fingers are entangled in his hair as they kiss on his bed. Alex takes the male's bottom lip within his teeth and bites down gently, tongue swooping in to fully take in the royalty within his arms as they slowly undress. It's painstakingly slow, but yet so passionate.

  Their fingers are intertwined as Alex makes slow thrusts into the royal, who cries out with small moans and for a second, the knight imagines that this was their wedding night. How he's taking the royal apart within his quarters and taking him properly. It feels good, but only staying as a fantasy.

  He knows Henry only has the desire for him, but yet he feels as if he needs to grip the man in his arms and not let him out, as if the second he does, he would leave. "Alex.." Henry sighs as he buries himself within Alex's arms. The knight is releasing his seed within him, pulling Henry up and letting him sit in his lap, still seated on him.

  They kiss, and this time there's a different hint of want and desire. It's not sexual, but it's raw and emotionally filled. Alex had only had this feeling a few times before.

  "I love you." Alex stills for a moment as he hears this leave the prince's lips. "I know it is too late, I wish I would've told you sooner." But it doesn't matter how late Henry tells him because he'll always return the feeling. He'd wanted this, and he has it now. So he won't dwell on how long it took the prince because he now has him.

  "But at least I have you now."

  "My knight in shining armor, take me away. Far away."

  All Alex knows is that he will.


Author's note: Weewooo

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