Jiwoong x Seobin: {Meet my Boyfriend!} [M]

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POV: 3rd Person

  It's their first week at the dorms, they've gotten settled, even if the Company completely left them on their own without anything, telling them to not leave the dorm. They'd gotten furniture, beds, and rooms sorted out, but.. their food was running out. Even Gyuvin's two suitcases packed with snacks, and Gunwook's extra bag stuffed with many foods from his mom (and everyone else) was running out.

  Jiwoong has been cooking for them - as he was the only one who could and would feed them all. He's been on his phone a lot lately, ordering food, as he actually got money from acting and living comfortably. Ordering from his own money to provide for everyone.

  Yujin noticed someone was at the door while he was wrestling with Gyuvin who was trying to give him kisses and pamper him like he was 7, he was 17! "Hyung, who's at the door?" He distracts Gyuvin enough to push himself up and go to the door.

  Hanbin quickly stops him before answering the door. They weren't supposed to let people know that they live here, he lets Yujin watch from the corner though as he answers the door. "Hello?" He speaks into the small screen.

  The guy was cute, sharp looking, and undeniably handsome. "I'm Yoon Seobin, I came here to see Kim Jiwoong, is he here?" Hanbin pauses, looking around, and tells the stranger that he'll come back in a second.

  "Jiwoong-hyung, someone came to see you!" He calls into the hallway, Jiwoong pokes his head out of the bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth.

  "Let him in!"

  So Hanbin lets him. He's carrying various shopping bags that Gunwook and Taerae help him with. Jiwoong runs down the hallway clumsily, almost tripping when the guy hugs him. "Hyung, be careful!" He scolds, but Jiwoong only smiles brightly, sparkles in his eyes. Seeing him smiling wasn't a rare sight, but this brightly? He's almost beaming.

  Yujin is sitting with Hao, pointing at Seobin. Hao gasps and looks over, pulling a blanket over his head. Ricky laughed, knowing exactly why. "Hao-ge, it's him! Ask him for his autograph!" He runs into Hao and Hanbin's shared room with Jiwoong and grabs the Poongduck 304 boxset, shoving it into Hao's hands and a pen. He drags him up and pushes him over to Seobin who notices the boxset immediately.

  "Ah, Zhang Hao-ssi, right? I would've signed for you during the finals, but I couldn't reach you with so many people!" He takes the pen, scribbles his autograph, and gives Hao a smile, who melted and ran back into his room to celebrate by himself.

  "Hyung, I got more stuff for you." Seobin quickly leaves, coming back with a backpack stacked with random stuff like decorations to the delight of Jiwoong who gasps, seeing a small magnetic succulent plant that he could decorate his calendar. Jiwoong continues to cook.

  Everyone could see how close they were, brimming with chemistry. Hao had his theories, but he wasn't going to say anything and assume just because they acted together in two BLs. As they sat at the dinner table, Jiwoong had to pull an extra chair next to him and made room for Seobin who stared at Ricky's huge golden throne.

  "Don't mind it, he wanted the prop on his birthday, and we brought it home because he wouldn't stop whining for it." He tells Seobin, they shared food. Matthew has a slight feeling that he and the rest of the boys were third-wheeling. Not even Hao and Hanbin were that bad.


  Jiwoong had built up the courage this same day and gone out secretly with Seobin, going for a drink to celebrate him making it into ZB1. He comes home wasted, arms wrapped around Seobin's neck, face flushed and giggly. As they walk through the door, everyone gaped at them, jaws dropping to the ground as they watch the scene unfold.

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