Charles x Edwin: {Detention!} [F]

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POV: 3rd Person

  Charles shouldn't have got to that fight. Sure, the boys were bullying the Pakistani kid, and maybe he could've just pushed them away from the poor boy instead of, well. Punching one of the guys. Edwin had watched it all, and the second Charles' fist landed on the other boy's face, Edwin had frozen before running off to tell a professor to stop the quarrel before it got too far.

  Once he got back, Charles' left cheek had been bruised, the other boy's eye had a large black area that made him look even more severe than he had already looked. Edwin leaned on his knees, trying to catch his breath. He was never such a good runner, and Charles had wondered what it would take to get his legs going.

  All the boys went scot-free, except Charles.

  Simon and his gang had not got any punishment for their bullying (And so did the Pakistani boy), and yet, Charles, the ever so gracious hero to the poor boy, was held for detention. Charles had hated the library, whereas Edwin loved it as his refuge - besides Charles, the library was a good place for him to relax into - his detention was sorting out at least half of the books put in the wrong place into their rights.

  Before the tan boy could open his mouth to protest, Edwin clenched his fists and looked down at the ever-growing grass. "Professor, I-" He clamped his mouth shut, unsure of how he should start now that the man had turned back to look at him, "I started the fight."

  Charles' mouth went wide. His dark-chocolate warm eyes stared at him, and he couldn't look up even as the old man clicked his tongue and scolded him, but lighter than he had Charles - it was obvious as to why. But no one could comment. Charles was only here because his father had gone here, and had he not, Charles would be somewhere else.

  "Edwin, mate." He starts, but he finds himself stopping because Edwin looked back up at him with those emerald green eyes, so vast and warm towards just him, that he had found himself at a loss for words. He could never refuse the boy when he had looked at him that way. 

  "I will not let you sort those books alone." Edwin promptly turns on his heels and strides right back into the building, and Charles could only dumbly follow after him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and leaning in with a cheeky smile. He nuzzles his face into the side of Edwin's temple, only for him to playfully push the side of his face away. "We are in an open area."


  While Edwin was doing his duty - which Charles was supposed to be doing - Charles sits on the floor, distracted by the books he was faced with, trying to sort them, and failing spectacularly. It wasn't his fault that the covers looked interesting! He earns an exasperated sigh, "Charles, hand me that book."

  "Which one?" He turns his body as he looked around the towers surrounding his body, blinking up at Edwin and picking one up, a pretty pink one, and the boy narrows his eyes. It's late at night, a lantern lit near them, and he looks ethereal despite his annoyance.

  "The blue one."

  Charles picks up the red. He raises an eyebrow and tilts his head. Edwin grumbles before scolding him- "Does that look blue to you, Charles?"

  "Well, I can't tell where you're pointing at, can I?" Edwin bends to take the book just right beside Charles' arm, scoffing. The boy could only stare back and huff, crossing his arms then looking away. Very mature.

  Detention is dreadfully boring, and Charles is too busy holding onto the ice packet to his face that he couldn't even do anything else. He felt bad for Edwin who had to do it, but the boy had only seemed to find contentment in this. He liked organizing the books, and he hummed delightfully at the few - over thirty - books that piqued his interest, filing it in the back of his mind to check out at a later date once he was done with the ten he had checked out.

  "Charles." He turns to look up, and their noses are touching. He could see the boy's pretty eyelashes batting at him, and they almost touch his cheeks. Charles stared breathlessly, but he didn't fail to notice how the boy's own ears were becoming red, spreading to his fair face.

  Edwin is leaning down closer, and who was he to deny the boy? He takes in a breath as he leans up, pulling the boy down into his lap and ruining the tower he had around himself. Edwin yelps into his mouth, but leans in, wrapping his arms around his neck. "In a library, mate? How lewd." Charles mocked, but gives the pouting boy on his jaw.

  "Just a kiss, do not act like we are doing anything more."

  "Well.. no one's-"

  "No, get up and help me sort. We're almost done."

  Charles stared at the 50 or so books they had, and groaned. He got up and got to work.

  "Could I have more after?"

  "... You may."

  Charles worked quicker than he had ever before.


Author's note: It's the last day of Pride Month, Netflix. RENEW.

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