Joo Wonseok x M. Reader: {Morning Dates} [F]

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Love With Flaws, I've been meaning to write about this show

Context: After a while of being single - after his failed relationship with Hodol (they stayed friends) - Wonseok has been going out a lot more in the mornings and sometimes at night when he doesn't have a shift, dolling himself up and going out to come home late, take a nap, and head to work. His siblings are suspicious

POV: 2nd Person

  Wonseok's last relationship with Hodol ended about a year ago, it was awkward at first, but they've figured that they should stay as friends as Hodol still needed to tutor the Maknae of the Joo family. Since then, even as Seojoon no longer needed a tutor, they still stayed as friends, they clicked quite well.

  With Wonseok's business, he dated around, but after having a relationship with Hodol, he had seemed to settle down with taking it slow and to try to find someone to love and really spend his time with. Wonseok's business has been busy, and with that he had found someone he really liked - you, in particular.

  A rather muscular tall guy who was really nothing like Wonseok's ideal of small guys - who could top if possible, but really, he didn't care - you were tall, but not to the point where you'd have to bend so low to reach him or have him jump, either. The height difference was perfect, a small tilt, minimal effort.

  His siblings hadn't really thought too much into it when the first few days he went out in the mornings - he had been staying late at work and sometimes runs errands for himself, nothing too important - but it's been about a few weeks. Going out in the morning and dolling himself up to look pretty, spending more time than usual to get dressed, leaving his bed with a pile of tried-on clothing.

  "I'll be back." The simple, monotonous reply to their eldest, who was taking the day off because he was sick - Wonjae did not fail to notice the light makeup on Wonseok's already handsome face. Well, Wonseok did wear makeup, but not usually out in the morning as he wasn't working (usually asleep in his bed until his shift or going around the house). Wonseok had been confident with his physical attributes after he came out, showing it brightly, and he never usually needed makeup unless he went out for work.

  "How long is this going to last?"

  Like Wonjae, the rest of Wonseok's siblings suspect as well. It was the weekends. Seojoon playing on his PlayStation instead of actually studying - though, it's not like Seoyoon is forcing him. Their Maknae looks over at Wonseok who checks into the mirror near the front door, dabbing a bit of foundation on and hurrying to leave without noting where he was going.

  It's early morning, he had a shift until late last night, he usually wouldn't be up until at least noon. Passing the kitchen where Seoyoon was eating her breakfast and Wonjae stuffing his face with his last piece of toast.

  You wait for Wonseok from outside their house - thankfully, the fence and gate cover you completely. You give him a kiss on his head and open the door for him, smiling as he gets in. You drive off to a nearby cafe, you were just dropping off something, just a few shopping bags for your errands then coming here to pick Wonseok up. The older man is content, though usually you both just walk.

  "Really?" Wonseok raises an eyebrow at the pastry of embedded hearts.

  "Chew carefully." You don't try to hide that there's a ring possibly being buried somewhere in the cake, watching him eat it with red ears, his teeth click onto metal and pushes it out of his mouth by his tongue.

  "You ruined the surprise by saying that."

  "I'd rather ruin it than have you choke, jagi." Wonseok washes it off before putting it on, smiling at the rather pretty ring, there's not much to it - you scraped up the money yourself instead of using your monthly allowance from your father - but it's what it is. It's special.

  "Thank you, I love it." Wonseok's cupping your face, you pucker your lips and receive a peck from his plush, full ones. You smile. The reaction isn't dramatic, but you hadn't expected anything else. After all, Wonseok wasn't the type to cry over things like these.

  "My promise to you."

  "Let's hope you keep it." He jokes, though it's the pessimism that's seeping through.


  Wonseok comes home after the date the both of you had, a smile on his face as he peers down at his phone, shutting it off and putting it into his pocket. He goes straight into his room - and it doesn't take an idiot to see the shiny ring on his finger from the living room.

  Wonjae sees it, and he stares, unable to close his mouth as his younger brother had just gotten engaged in secret, went somewhere and came back like nothing happened with a light smile on his face. His younger brother had just gone into his room as if he didn't even exist!

  "What's that?" Wonseok hears a knock on his door as he's trying to get into his pajamas, looking over and already seeing Wonjae at his door, looking at his hand. Maybe he should've taken it off before he went in, but he was so happy on the inside that he forgot his brother was home.

  Wonseok shrugs, avoiding the choice to speak, pulling on a sweater and now pulling up his shorts. This sweater was not his, but yours. Left over from another day when no one was home, some sort of vacation. "You don't wear something like that." Wonjae comes closer, sniffing his brother. Scent rather musky and not floral. "Musk?- Since when-"

  "Stop sniffing me!" He stares at the older with an annoyed and flustered expression, pushing the guy away and shoving on his things, pulling at the hood - again, something he would never wear - and sat on his bed.

  "Who is it?"

  "You don't know him." Wonseok caves, making himself comfortable and biting his nails. He places his watch on the side, the scar underneath it now able to breathe. "You'll meet him soon - maybe.." He adds afterward, not sure if you'll really get to meet them, again, pessimistic.

  "Well, I do hope I do. He seems to be quite the guy." Wonjae had obviously noted how Wonseok had kept the ring, whenever he was proposed, he would reject, and throw the ring away. Though this had not been very frequent as his lovers never make it pass a couple of weeks.

  Though, Wonseok's not sure yet if they're ready. Maybe one day you'll meet them.


Author's note: Maybe part 2 if ppl like it enough

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