HaoBin: {Cold Toast} [F]

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Inspired by Fem!HaoBin fanart on TWT by haotmeal (Hua = Hao, Bitna = Hanbin, Eunbin = Gyuvin and Ricky is apparently Gender-Neutral, so)

POV: 3rd Person

  Despite being totally different people, one from a rather rich family and one who works as a family-owned cafe that does pretty well. They meet. Hua wasn't very good at Korean, and she manages to stumble upon a cafe within Seoul. It's small, it's cute. Near his campus.

  There, she meets a girl who's a barista and waitress, helping out her mother. She's cute, her face is chubby like a hamster, and as she smiles, her cheeks have such a natural blush, and it scrunches up in such a way that resembles the animal even more.

  "How can I help you?" She's smiling at her, eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks as she makes eye contact, and Hua splutters in her spot. Unable to move as she didn't know what to do or what to say, reading what she could have the name tag, she makes out Bitna. She spaces out just a bit more before turning back to reality, smiling at the girl, she tries to figure out the menu.

  Bitna doesn't take long to realize that Hua wasn't Korean, helping her with whatever she could with the smallest bit of Chinese that she'd learned in school. When the Chinese does get her order, she sits down and wait, deciding to have it here because she would get to see the pretty Barista for a bit longer - but she was also waiting for someone to come as well, if she were to find her way.

  "Here you go." Her small, gentle hands places down the cup of coffee, speaking in broken Chinese.

  Hua takes secret glances at the girl who's greeting each customer with care, smiling brightly at them before waving at another girl who was rather tall that entered the cafe. "You're here?" Bitna is wrapping an arm around the girl from the other side of the counter, ushering her in to help her put on an apron.

  "Sorry, I had to do.. homework." But Bitna seemed to not believe it, as she shook her head lightly, then smiled. They seemed to be pretty good friends, a name tag was put onto the other girl, and it spells out 'Eunbin'.

  Just a little later, the bell of the door jiggled once again, and Hua looks over. A girl with rather elegant blonde hair with sharp eyes walks through. Black skirt, crop top, jacket, purse, sunglasses on her head, he boots clunking as she made her way to Hua. "What took you so long?" She speaks in Chinese now, pulling out a chair next to her to let the girl sit.

  Her sharp eyes look down at the menu that she can't read, scrunching up her nose and flipping her soft, smooth hair to the side, revealing her expensive earrings along with the tattoo behind her ear. "I dunno, that driver was going in circles."

  "Are you not ordering?" She asks the female who just pointed at a strawberry cake and a smoothie, of course, Hua should've known to just order it for her in the first place, but still, she rather waited for the girl to see if she wanted to even buy anything.

  They both get up, Hua going to help Ricky with her order. Ricky was tall, and now even taller with her platformed shoes, but still, despite wearing the boots she still seemed to fall just a little shorter than the girl without platforms who looked rather like a deer.

  "I'd like the strawberry smoothie and a small slice of strawberry cake." She opens up her purse, pulling out a black card with a small lazy look in her eyes, but alert. Her sharp eyes piercing right through the taller girl who was spluttering with her words. Like a deer caught in headlights, she then turns back to the cashier with a nod, taking the card out of the slender hands to scan and get the order.

  "P-please take a seat. Hahah..." Eunbin was clearly flustered, anyone could notice it was because of Ricky, but she herself did not seem to notice much, paying slight attention to the girl.

  Taking her card back, she turns on her heels to walk back to Hua who giggled, making her raise an eyebrow. "I think she likes you." There's an apparent change in Ricky's facial expression, spluttering up into English.

  "No way! She likes me?"

  From across the room, Eunbin whips her head around from the smoothie she was trying to make - it wasn't her fault! She's good at English, and she can't help but hear. Her ears flush red, turning right back to the smoothie. Bitna slides up to her after pulling up her hair into a bun. "You're blushing? What? You like her?" The girl giggles and glances at the blonde who was oblivious to it all, chatting with her friend who Bitna recognized as someone she served just earlier.

  "Ani! (No?!)" she pauses for a second, blinking rapidly as she placed a heart-shaped straw harshly into the smoothie, "What are you talking about?" Eunbin frowned, then placed it onto the tray along with Bitna's strawberry cake. There was also Hanbin's Injeolmi toast on the tray as well, something Hua had ordered.

  "Do you want to bring it to her?"


  "Yah! Wait, put down your number." Bitna points to the napkin, under the toast's napkin, there was her own for Hua. Though, she blushed at the thought, looking away as her eyes met the Chinese's, picking up the tray and bringing it over to them. Eunbin seemed to have done her line in English.

  "See? She likes you-" Hua smiled proudly at herself, knowing she was right all along, as Ricky then gasped, looking at the Chinese written on Hua's napkin under the toast.

  Later, as they ate, Hua picks up the toast. Biting into it and almost freezes, but continues to bite, noticing how Bitna seemed to look at her. Smiling like a hamster, eyelashes fluttering.

  The toast was cold, but the start to their relationship was not.


Author's note: Personally. I can make a part 2

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