Kim Taehyung x Lee Jieun: {Ruiner} [F]

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  Jieun felt herself unable to express her happiness as she looked through the camcorder, her eyes watering as she came closer to her boyfriend. There was nothing that could make her feel so happy, she felt at his face, sweeping it from covering the male's left eye that had been blind from the longest time.

  She herself was deaf, and when the cubes were introduced to the world - coming down from the wonders of space - humans had wondered what they did. But as deaths went on, they have all found a common link between the humans that the cube had taken and destroyed, sucking in and leaving nothing but their clothes and accessories. They all had disabilities.

  Seoul and every country and city had been in ruins, there were only small pockets where the wealthy lived, where the ones who had no issues in them lived freely. They cover their ears and eyes, used their fully working limbs and turned blind to it all, as if those who were like them - who wasn't born in the 'superior' gene was to be gone. To be demolished because they weren't perfect.

  Society had become this way - as Taehyung and Jieun went around the cities by foot to try and earn help, it all went to waste. Hopeless as no one would take them in, they simply ran, bloodied in their attempts of running away from the one cube that just wouldn't leave them alone until they died.

  And they came into this mall - it used to be a very big place, wonderful with many things, people rented it out for shows, music videos, but now abandoned and dirty, various places left in dust, items still on the shelf, some workable, but of course, clothing were obviously degrading as no one kept them on tip-top condition.

  She could see Taehyung standing in front of working TVs, as if they were in the perfect world that it was before the cubes came in and took it away from them. She didn't feel contempt, she only felt.. helpless. The both of them did. But still, as they have each other, they pushed on until the last moment.

  The place was beautiful through the Camcorder, their days became beautiful, even as they knew it was fake. They stayed in the current haven that they were given that was the camcorder. They tried on the worn-out suit and wedding dress. And oh did they look good through the lenses. Taking a picture in the photo-booth, and it came out nice, too. Even without it.

  "It really felt like I ate it! You try!" She signed to him, unable to hear the profoundly silent world around her. She hadn't heard since she was in middle school - it was a nasty accident - she smiled as he tried, smiling as his eyes crinkled small, noise scrunching. It looked like he had cream around his mouth, they were in a pretty restaurant. She went to wipe his mouth, giggling.

  Jieun gave him a peck over his blind-eye, seeing the mist over it close and open again, to crinkle back into a boxy smile.

  As they sang, through the camcorder, she could hear. She could hear her boyfriend sing, hear his deep voice ring through the air. Even as the imaginary audience pointed and laughed at them. One blind and one deaf, performing.

  But that didn't matter because through the camcorder they were invincible, they were no longer hurt and discriminated against, no longer made fun of because of the things they couldn't control. "Go to the end with me, my lover."

  He signed as he sang, even as she could hear his velvety voice. Still, her heart flutters at the sight, both of his bright eyes looking at her. "Two of us, side by side, gone astray on purpose." She sang back, and she could see his blind eye widen, the other eye looking through the camcorder. Physically, she made no noise, but it seemed like she did through the camera.

  "Your voice is beautiful." He signs, and she smiles. She had a voice that she no longer remembered the sound of.

  They don't say it because they didn't want to jinx it, having come this far. But they wanted to stay here forever, finding a way to charge the camcorder.

  But as it runs out of battery, they're both left back in the desert where they were before, looking up at the sky and laying on the pile of clothes that had been left behind, signing to each other. In times like this, they found joy. But it didn't take long for the cube to find where they were.

  Taehyung's deep voice erupted with a yell, bashing the metal bar against the cube, and fell to the ground as it was sucked in. He looked up at it, scooting back and hiding Jieun behind his arms, who kneeled and covered his good eye.

  Jieun could see the light turn red, eyes looking up helplessly at the cube. She silently prayed that maybe they would live. That they would be spared and to live.

  But alas, nothing in the world was fair, and she knew they would have to go. She kept her hand over the male's eye, to stop him from seeing it until her world also turns back. She could feel her body float before falling.. deeper and deeper into an endless void.

  When will the world stop being so discriminative? They wonder in the void.

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