Yiwon x Jioh: {Gaze} [M-ish]

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POV: 3rd Person

  Yiwon has been noticing how Jioh has been staring at him. Non-stop. And well it's a bit uncomfortable because why is his enemy even looking at him like that? What was he scheming? Or maybe he'd just watched too many shows and is paranoid over everything.

  But he tells him to stop. They were both silently reading in the library to research more on their things.

  Jioh holds his book up to his face, people don't normally hold their books like that to read - he's just trying not to look at Yiwon because he'll just wait until Yiwon demands for his attention. That's how you get someone to like you, right?

  But.. It doesn't hurt to have one little glance. Just a tiny one. It wouldn't affect them, would it?.. Right? Just a tiny glance - so he peeks a bit of his face out of the book, and Yiwon is sleeping. He almost instantly pulls his book away, thankfully he did it after a few moments because that would've made a loud noise.

  He rests his face into the palm of his hand, head tilted as he observes the younger. Just staring as his eyes blink slowly, Yiwon was a really handsome guy, it's not like he didn't acknowledge it before, but he also enjoyed how while he was sleeping, he didn't look as scary. He didn't glare at Jioh, he just sleeps peacefully.

  Jioh then lays half of his body on the table just like Yiwon, only with his body turning to him. An arm is out just like the shorter male, and he hesitantly touches his hand, tracing it with a finger. "Yiwon-ah" He whispers, "are you awake?"

  When he doesn't answer, Jioh tries again. "Yiwon-ah, you're asleep, right?" He hesitantly takes the hand in his. His hand was actually quite pale compared to the younger, and smaller.. A lot skinnier, too.

  Many people had told him that he had the proportions of a model. But also told him to eat a lot more. It wasn't his fault his metabolism goes quick.

  It was so sudden, but Yiwon's eyes opened and met his. He feels his whole face go red, and pulls his hand away immediately. He's been caught!


  Yiwon doesn't fail to notice how the next few days the older male has been clingier and clingier, trying to sit by him and tug at his shirt like an abandoned pet. Looking at him with sad eyes and pouts when he doesn't give him the attention he wants. 'Yiwon-ah', his name said in that same soft but clingy tone.

  They're practicing their lines in Yiwon's apartment, "We have to kiss after this." Jioh suddenly tells him, and his eyes look down at the script in panic. "I heard actors don't mind those things, right?" He feels the small pair of sweater paws grab onto his shirt, and before he could think, their lips meet.

  Easily just like that and he's pushed back onto the bed. Jioh sits on his lap, but he doesn't push him away, kissing him back just as eagerly, and wraps his arms around the small waist. "Yiwon-ah." the tone is different. Needy and filled with want. It snaps something in him, and he flips them over, caging the older between his arms, legs pushed against his bottom and between Jioh's thighs.

  Jioh hooks his arms around his neck and pulls him down, their noses touch, the male's eyes flutter close before grinding down on him, wrapping his legs around his waist to keep him closer, a soft moan escaping his lips before they connect with Yiwon's own.

  "Y-Yiwon-ah-" Jioh gasps for a second as he grinds down, their clothed erections slightly rubbing against each other's. The way Jioh looks at him drives him insane. His gaze burning and lustful.

  He gulps before kissing at the male's neck, caving in so he wouldn't have to see the stare that burns through him and does things to his heart. He knows he fell for Jioh since a few days ago. But he doesn't think he'll get used to the gaze.


Author's note: Yeahhh

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