HaoBin: {Misunderstandings} [F]

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POV: 3rd Person

  Junior Sung Hanbin is head over heels for his senior, who barely even knows him, Zhang Hao. In terms of everything, Hao is better. The boy is an exchanged student from China, he's talented, smart, and handsome. He's one of the most popular kids within Roze High, and so was his friend group.

  Then, there's Hanbin. Whose dream is to be an idol, singing and dancing on stage - how silly that was, people tend to look down on those with dreams like his, wanting to be famous - Hanbin who gets picked on by certain few who took notice of someone like him. Hanbin whose cheeks are chubby and looks like a fat hamster with a pair of glasses.

  Sung Hanbin. A nobody.

  Of course, Hanbin was also queer - which, wasn't good for him, but as long as he kept his mouth shut and his eyes don't linger too much on Hao, he'll be fine (it wasn't like Hao was gay, anyway). Like Hanbin, there are many girls in the school who has a crush on Hao. Hanbin, of course, was no match for any of them.

  But still, he'll watch silently on the sidelines and cheer for Hao when he's having a hard time. Sending him paragraphs of anonymous messages to cheer him up, and it makes his heart thump in his chest when he sees Hao look at his comment and smile from across the lunchroom.

  Hanbin is in the school blog for students, and he usually scrolls around to kind of just look at pictures of Hao and how he was doing. There were pages of letters to people as well, to confess, to send, to say things, kind of not. Hanbin's scrolling around when he saw a rather rude post of Hao's Tweet.

  Hanbin could feel his smile drop from the image from a moment ago of Zhang Hao

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  Hanbin could feel his smile drop from the image from a moment ago of Zhang Hao. He could understand that Hao might've probably noticed him here and there, but not to the point of this. The replies from underneath were not kind, either. People laughing and calling him out now that Hao had taken notice of him.

  His quiet life had been ripped away in less than a second by a post of someone who picked on him. Hao and he had talked a few times, but was that really what he thought of Hanbin? A kind guy like Hao?

  Naivety was something Hanbin had always had, believing the post without double-checking because he was too distraught. He frowned, curling up in his bed and feeling even worse about himself, pushing away a bag of chips - really, Hanbin had no problems with his weight, he was pretty good for an average guy with just baby fat still on his face.

  There was nothing wrong with Hanbin. But, well. Society was cruel, and he'll just never be enough to fit with them.


  Hanbin caved into the hood of his hoodie, hoping that people would just stop looking at him and whispering, giggling at him. He knows they're pointing out his chubby cheeks that he can't help but have, as his baby fat just won't go away. He's trying not to pull onto his hoodie strings and run into the bathroom to just skip.

  "Sung Hanbin." A Chinese accent that Hanbin could recognize anywhere spoke up, he looks away from the door to the classroom. It sounded like Hao was panting, as if he ran all the way to school. Hanbin felt his eyes water, the guy was just playing with him, with his feelings, even if he didn't know he had them for him. But Hanbin felt that he was so pathetic that his heart is pounding in his chest because it loves Hao, still.

  "I didn't write that, Hanbin-ah." They weren't close enough for him to calling him like that, but Hanbin's heart flutters. He forces himself to turn the other way in his seat, closing his eyes so he doesn't have to look at the classmate sitting next to him. "It was edited, I can show you."

  Hao commands people who were staring at them to leave, he moves to kneel in front of Hanbin, both hands cupping his cheeks, squeezing them. "So cute, don't hide your face."

  Hanbin internally curses at how he leaned into those soft large hands, opening his eyes, they met those dark ones, he stops breathing, face going red. He brushes Hao's hand away, "Someone's going to spread a rumor about you."

  "This isn't about me. It's about you." He shows him proof, and it wasn't even Ricky who had asked for him, because frankly, Ricky doesn't even know him. Hanbin feels embarrassed for believing it, but Hao doesn't blame him, doesn't say anything but pull him into a hug.

  "You know, I really wanted to talk to you more than when we had a play together." His pretty eyes look down at Hanbin's lips, and for a second he wonders if the guy is really just playing him and if someone was recording him. But Hanbin's impulsive, his hands reach out for Hao's face and kisses him. He could feel those lips react almost immediately, kissing him so passionately that Hanbin felt the oxygen get knocked out of his breath.

  He could feel those arms wrap around him, pulling him closer. So close that he might fall out of his chair.


Author's note: Just a little thing

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