Lee Gon x Jo Yeong: {Frequently Asked} [F]

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POV: 3rd Person

  The King and his Captain have been dating - for about ten odd years.

  Yeong had recognized his own feelings for his King at a rather young age. When he was 15, and the male he had been serving at the time was 19. He had been nervous. There was something in his heart that was telling him that it was, in fact, not a mad infatuation with an influx of hormones that a teenager was having.

  And so, one night, when he was 16, he had told his King. Just before he was going to leave. If the man had rejected him, he wouldn't see him for the next five years. That was surely enough time to save him some embarrassment.

  "While I reciprocate, Yeong-ah." He starts, and it breaks the youngest Royal Guard in Training's heart. "You're too young right now. When you come back from your training, I promise you that we'll be together." He gives Yeong a pat on his head like a brother would do to a younger sibling, a fond look from his eyes that had given the shorter male a shiver of the heart.

  And Yeong had left.

  When he had come back at the age of 21, as promised, the King had showered him with much love that went beyond platonic. They shared kisses within the short amount of time that they had gotten together from Yeong's hectic training schedules to climb military ranks and beating the record that had been set from over five decades before he was even born. And when Yeong had taken his spot as the Captain of the Royal Guard, he was 26.

  That night, Gon had celebrated with him in a far more intimate way than Yeong could ever imagine.

  After all, their virginities had been intact until that point. Gon had stayed away from everyone else during Yeong's absence, and Yeong didn't want anyone but His Majesty. The hormones of their teenage years had returned in full, and from then on, their levels had gone even higher - though Yeong will always be amazing at pushing them out, unlike his King who would jump Yeong at any point in time.

  So, of course, their chemistry was over the roof.

  Frequently asked questions on QnAs that would go into the Official Kingdom of Corea's Instagram has always gotten the question of: "Is Your Majesty dating Captain of the Royal Guard?" It would always be flagged, and taken off the poles almost immediately, and the account would just get a five-minute suspension.

  Don't be too curious! - His Majesty, the King of Corea.

  So when Yeong had been asked by Shinjae, "Yah, are you guys dating?"

  Since Shinjae would never be in the Kingdom of Corea - he vaguely said something along the lines of. "There are rumors, but.." He chose his words. "We always take down the internet questions for being a little too curious of His Majesty and I."

  Shinjae was smart, so of course, he knew.

  But Yeong was okay with it, surprisingly. After all, they're just frequently asked questions and one day, they had to be answered.


Author's note: School had started for me, so updates will slow. Also, writer's block :3

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