Yujin x ZB1: {Baby's Worries} [F]

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POV: 3rd Person

  Yujin would say that he's pretty confident in his skills. But the things he was told at school even if he had succeeded, his bullies still continue to mock him about how he was wearing makeup and that it was just some gig that would only last for two years and a half.

  Most people would think that just because he had passed Boys Planet and made it to ZB1, everything would be easier and that his worries would be gone. But.. it in fact isn't. It only got harder for him as his mind lately has been going back to how he was last place, on the verge of slipping off.

  Was I really that bad that I came last?

  Was all that was in his head, he feels like crying even as he dances, trying to fix everything. It's his insecurities. As a teenager, it's hard to keep it away when people constantly watch him. He dreads going to school and away from his safe place with his Hyungs. Where Jiwoong-Hyung would constantly smile at him and check three times in his bag to see if he had everything before he left, money for snacks and food if he wanted, and a lunch box in case school food wasn't good enough. Where Gyuvin and Gunwook would bury him in hugs and kisses, where Ricky would play video games and buy him many gifts, where he could sing happily over a water bottle and a pencil with Taerae, cuddle up with Hao and Hanbin who were ready for his worries with open arms.

  He's thankful that he made it, but.. he didn't want to come last. Even if he won, he still felt like he was underachieving. He shakes his head and decides that today wasn't the day to think about that, and quickly got dressed, pulling on his uniform before grabbing his bag and books.

  He's sharing a room with Gunwook and Gyuvin, so there were three desks since they were all studying, his Hyungs go to school with him now that they're in the same area, but they don't know anything about the mocking and teasing since they were on a different floor.

  The only time Yujin gets away from all his annoying schoolmates was at lunch, where he would sit with Gunwook and Gyuvin who would protect him. No one would dare approach Gunwook with his big size, and no one would approach Gyuvin with the way he stares death into people if they were to make fun of anyone around him.

  They would only pick on Yujin when he was by himself. He walks home with his Hyungs though, and he feels safe. But his mind. No one likes him here in this new school, no one wants to talk to someone like him where he's 'better' than everyone else. They wouldn't invite him to soccer, leaving him with recess by himself.

  And even then, they would always kick it to him and hit him with it. He's been trying his best to hide the little bruises on his stomach from the soccer balls hitting him. But of course, it was about time when someone found out. He had been changing in his room when Gyuvin walked in to get his phone that he forgot.

  Yujin turns around and pulls down his shirt hastily, tripping over his loose too-big pants and would've fallen if not for Gyuvin's reflexes. He grabs onto his torso and Yujin feels like crying because of how much it the bruise hurts when Gyuvin grabbed him. Gyuvin must've noticed his glossy eyes before he asked him if he was okay.

  Yujin finally bursts, the dam in his eyes breaking, and he starts crying, wrapping his arms around the older's shoulders into a hug, hiding his face into Gyuvin's neck, his tears wetting it. "Yujin-ah.." The back of his head is being pat as Gyuvin hoists him up and carry him out of the room into the living room where more people were.

  Immediately, eyes fell on him. Jiwoong turning his head first and rushing over, pulling him out of Gyuvin's arms, and he now stands wobbly as he hurriedly wipes his tears with his forearm. His lips hang open as he lets out small sobs that he tries to keep in, but by this time, everyone is alerted, hugging him and giving him kisses all over even if he hadn't told them why he was crying.

  "What's wrong, Yuyu?" Jiwoong had given him that nickname on the spot, his soft voice soothing everyone around him instantly. His big warm soft hands cupping Yujin's puffy cute cheeks. "You don't have to tell us now." He tells the Maknae when he opens his mouth and tries to speak, but only broken sobs escape, and he stutters, trying to say something.

  They sit him on the floor in front of the sofa with everyone around him in a circle, Gyuvin hugging him and kissing him on one side, and Taerae hugging the other side of his body, humming a soft tune into his ear to sooth him.

  He finally calms down as he watches the TV cartoon show that was airing. Finally speaking up. Though his voice is small against the TV, his members all look at him with worried eyes, patiently waiting for him. He tells them everything.

  How he was insecure about his placement, the bullying - to where he shows them the bruise and they gasp. Even if it's small, they jump at him, hurriedly grabbing a first-aid kit. Hanbin tends to him with Hao's helping while everyone else watches while listening to his worries.

  Yujin cries even more when he finishes, even though he tries to calm down. Ricky hugs him and everyone follows - being careful now to not touch the very small wound. "Our baby has worries! Don't worry Yuyu!" Gyuvin kisses him, and he yelps, trying to escape, but everyone follows Gyuvin for once and as much as he feels loved and giggly with how the kisses tickle his face and neck, he squirms and try to push them away.

  But eight against one, and he doesn't think he's winning any time soon, and quickly surrenders into the mountain of people over him.


Author's Note: Not meant to harm the minor or the other minors in this group! (This isn't supposed to be seen romantically.)

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