Charles x Edwin: {From the Start} [F]

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They're my current obsession, you're all sitting through it.

(Please watch Dead Boy Detectives on Netflix so we get a second season because I'm going to tear out my hair.)

POV: 3rd Person

  Edwin has stolen glances at Charles since he had figured out his feelings, and maybe he had stolen glances at Charles before that, but Edwin wasn't conscious of it, so it doesn't count in the boy's mind. Edwin could feel his heart ache as Charles looks from him, instead choosing to look at the teenage girl who seemed to be capturing all of Charles' world.

  There has been a note in the back of Edwin's mind from when they had first met Crystal.

  "Crystal's difficult. She's wilful. Combative." He said, as the two boys walk down the green path, trying to find something that would help them with Niko's problem of parasites.

  "Well, that sounds a lot like you, doesn't it?" Charles' eyes are sparkling as he speeds up forward, turning to walk backwards and meeting the Edwardian's eyes, even if it did sort of require him to bend down ever so slightly. Then, there comes the spark of his small realization.

  "Wait!- Maybe that's why I like her so much." It was as if he was teasing Edwin right in front of his face, but his tone was too confused to be so, and it sparks something within the shorter boy who blinked bored at him at the time.

  Edwin hates himself for thinking back at it. Maybe it was self-hate in general, but he had thought that maybe, just maybe, if he was a girl, would Charles have liked him from the start? Would Charles have looked at him instead of Crystal just because she was a female version of Edwin?

  Was Edwin being born a male had somehow made Charles look Crystal's way instead of he? Because he wasn't the one Charles would be crazy over like he would with girls. Charles liked people like Edwin, the boy liked people with Edwin's somewhat interesting traits. But of course, Charles preferred girls to Edwin, a boy.

  Edwin could understand it, coming from where he came from. It wasn't normal for a boy to like a boy, and it will never be, even as time has changed. The Edwardian had wished that no matter how much time has changed, he might've been able to shake off the things he had been taught, but he can't. He can remember how it was perceived, and when he had found himself thinking about Charles, he instinctively shook it off because it wasn't normal.

  As if someone could see his thoughts and judge him.

  He could feel the aching pain within his figurative heart, whenever Charles has looked at the girl. It was selfish of him to want Charles to himself, even as the Rowland doesn't harbour the same feelings as he. It was selfish of him to think of wanting to be a girl to deceive Charles into falling for him like he had Crystal.

  Now, all Edwin could do was stay quiet as they were alone together, feeling as if things has changed. Had Charles noticed it?


  Charles has noticed it.

  Charles has noticed how Edwin had started to become quiet whenever they were alone, and usually, it would've been the comfortable, fine, silence that they both bask themselves in when they're together. But this. It was tense. The type of silence that Charles would rather not tamper with, but he knows that he has to if he wants to clear things up before them.

  Charles has felt as if he had somehow ruined the plan he had set up for his relationship with Edwin that had started to take place when Crystal came into the picture.

  What was the plan, exactly?

  Well, Charles doesn't usually plan, and when he does, it's not very good. But he had thought it would've been fine.

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