Lee Bogyeom x Jin Seowon: {Protector} [F]

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Good day to be a dog (hoping Bogyeom isn't a villain as I'm writing)

POV: 3rd Person

  Seowon had always been afraid of dogs, and Bogyeom - a long-time good colleague and best friend - is his protector. It's no secret that the two of them are joined by the hip, even the children of the school had seemed to make rumors about them secretly dating - which would be true, but no one would know - they were only imaginary anyway, and as long as the two teachers don't find out, it doesn't matter.

  They join each other tonight on the balcony, Seowon finding himself pushed against the railing as the two of them look down on the 'show' of Romeo and Juliet, holding their laughter. He's glad that there's a wall separating them from their other colleagues, no one to find out that Bogyeom had suddenly found Seowon's bottom to be interesting and shamelessly feeling at it with the other hand wrapped around his waist.

  The two of them were also very quiet, though Bogyeom could hear a sniffle on the other side, probably the ladies trying to stifle their laugh lest the couple beneath them finds out that they've been spying on their story for the last week or so since they've started.

  And once the show ends, they go back inside. Seowon would have to leave soon to go back to his flat, his nephew would probably be waiting. "Goodnight, Hyung." He wraps his arms around the male's neck and pull him close for a little kiss, feeling his hair get ruffled by the older - much to his annoyance - the older man earning a small noise.

  "Mn, goodnight. Get home safe."


  "Why are you home so late?" Seowon is already bombarded the second he walked through the door, his nephew clearly waiting. A waft of cooked ramyeon waiting in the kitchen - but he had already eaten. Had Yool been waiting the entire time? "I've been waiting for you to get home so we could eat!"

  He knows that this was a ruse to get him to warm up so when the time comes, Yool would be asking him for a puppy and he'd say 'yes'. This, he had already known since his nephew had started to treat him nicely the day right after he asked for a dog and Seowon had coldly turned him down.

  He won't fall for this.

  "I already ate while I was out, you can have it and leave the leftovers for morning." He toes off his shoes and slips on the slippers, he drops his bag off in his room and getting his clothes, moving to the bathroom to shower and get comfortable before he torments himself with grading for the rest of the night before he nods off.

  "Do you have a girlfriend I don't know about?" His steps have a bit of a splutter, and he hopes that the younger doesn't notice, but of course, he could only have so much luck. "You do, don't you?" The older wasn't even a female so it doesn't matter, but pushing down onto the general question, they've been dating for a solid three years.

  "I don't, just go eat." He rolled his eyes and went on. 


  It might be childish for a grown man like him to be afraid of dogs - even if they were as tiny as the palm of his hand. He cowers and hides behind Bogyeom who has no issue picking it up and keeping a distance between the both of them as the younger stares.

  "Hyung!" Seowon whined minutes ago, perched upon a trash bin's cover, a frown upon his face as he calls the older over. The younger is clearly drunk - his face evidently flushed red and his eyes were more watery than usual when encountering such animals.

  "Are you drunk?" He had only been passing by with a plastic bag in his hand, clearly having gone to shop and now strolling through the streets before he went home. The younger doesn't answer him, only pointing towards the ground where the puppy was relatively at - he doesn't look, too scared to do so.

  "You shouldn't drink alone, are you sad?" He chuckles, scratching the white puppy between its ears, leaning over and slightly down to kiss Seowon who leaned into it, but body still instinctively away as the dog lies comfortably in his arms. "You're so adorable."

  Seowon only pulls away and pouts, causing Bogyeom to let the dog go its way when the owners seemingly found it again and ran away with it. "It was jumping at me like it wanted to tear me to pieces." The younger whines and cries like a child, wrapping his arms around him.

  Bogyeom doesn't waste much time before sweeping the male off of his feet to give him a piggyback home. Their houses weren't far apart, anyway. He chuckles, "It was cute, it wanted to play with you." But Seowon only snuggled his face into the crook of the History teacher's neck, shaking his head.

  When they arrive, Bogyeom easily gets in, knowing the younger's password. He's greeted by Yool, "Samchon!" Then Yool paused, taking a look at Bogyeom. "Seonsaengnim..?"

  He toes off his shoes and Seowon's own to lead him into his room. To the kid, this might be his first time here, but it really wasn't. He had visited here when Yool had been in school field trips and the two of them had decided to not come, they'll get paid either way for setting it up. "He drank too much, excuse me."

  He placed the younger down onto the soft bed - to which they've done many things on that Yool doesn't need to know about - and turned. The younger had tugged at his sleeve, "You aren't protecting me?" He pouts, and it's dangerous. Bogyeom wants to kiss him until he can't breathe.

  "Seowon-ah.." He turns back, muttering, letting out a nervous chuckle as Yool watched at the doorway at his uncle's weird behavior.

  "Wonnie." Seowon corrects and tries to pull him down, whining when he can't because Bogyeom had self-planted himself onto the floor. "You really aren't protecting me?"

  "I'll come back in a second.." He finds himself giving in, sighing. They'll have to explain it to Yool later tomorrow.


Author's note: Yeah

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