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2 weeks later At HM house in her bedroom..

HM was sleeping in her bed.. She starts panicking in her sleep and gasps for air.. She opens her eyes and sits up on the bed.. She feels like something is choking her.. She was sweating profousely . One hand on her throat and with the other hand she was trying to hold something in the air.. She starts crying and then yells out

HM: Ammiiii..

KS who was sleeping on the couch in the same room wakes up hearing HM's cry.

She rushes to HM and holds her in her arms. KS is standing at the side of the bed while hugging HM who is sitting on the bed.. HM face is rested at KS torso. She holds KS tightly.. KS rubs HM back and tries to console her and calm her down..

KS: Ssshh.. Sssh.. Kch nahi... kch nhi.. MS kch nahi hua hai.. Bura sapna tha..

HM: Karishh.....
She fumbles.. Unable to speak.

KS: Hum hain.. hum hain aapke pass Madam Sir.. Shaant.. Shaant hojaye..


Flash Back

Two weeks has passed. In the first week, every afternoon either Santu or Cheetah or Billu would visit HM carrying food for her sent by Pushpa jee.. They sit there and spend some time with her to make sure that she eats.. HM has been recovering from her trauma..

She even joined her duty few days back.. But she has been unable to work like before.. She had changed a lot.. Even the slightest of noise would scare her .. She is restless all the time.. She tries to hide her sorrow but fails terriblly..

Every night KS goes to HM house and sleeps in her room on the couch.. Because HM has been having nightmares about Ammi.. She sees some person trying to take her mother away from her and she always wakes up like this in a horrible panic condition. KS calms her down and puts her to sleep..
It had become a routine for KS to sleep in HM room, and HM would have a nightmare and wake up and then KS would comfort her.

FB ends.. Back to present..


But tonight was different.. There was something more in HM nightmare.. She felt like her Ammi was trying to tell her something...
but a dark figure from behind was pulling her mother away and was hurting her mother badly infront of HM... as if this person was trying to take revenge. And HM could hear the evil laughter when the figure was dragging her mother away.. And that was when she woke up calling out her mother..

KS who was still holding her, tries to move away from HM to go and get some water.. But HM tightens her grip on KS..

HM: Nhi KS.. Hume chor ke mat jaye

KS: MS... Hum bas aapke lie pani lene k lie..

HM : nahi.. nahi.. Hume pani nhi chahye.. Aap yhi rahiye humare pass..

KS: Acha.. Acha thik hai.. chalye ab aap late jaiye hum yhi hai. Bilkul apke pass..

KS makes her lie down and tries to go back to the couch.. But HM was not willing to let her go.. She grabbed a fistful of KS kurti and pulled her closer..

KS understands that HM doesn't want her to leave.. So she sits on the bed beside HM and holds her hand.. HM is lying on the bed and shivering due to fear and KS is sitting in a half laying position..KS gently touches HM forehead and caresses her.

After a while when HM is calm and her eyes are closed, KS slowly tries to get up and get out of bed.. But to her amazement, HM holds her collar and pulls her down.. HM makes KS lie next to her and clings to her body tightly..

HM holds KS hand and puts it around her own neck. HM then hold KS shoulder firmly and hides her face in the crook of KS neck.

Although half asleep, HM was still slightly shivering , her eyes were shut and she holds onto KS as tightly as possible. KS feels obliged to hug her back and hold her securely in her arms..

A few mins later, KS could feel HM hot breath on her cold skin.. For a moment KS felt something different.. Something new.. KS lips are touching the centre of HM head.. Without realizing what she is doing, KS runs her fingers through the coils of HM hair at the back of her head. Unknowingly KS starts caressing HM head in a delicate yet sensuous manner, Soon KS nails start scratching the skin of HM nape v gently. KS hand slowly starts moving down from HM neck towards her back, KS hand lowers down further with nails digging around HM waist when KS suddenly stops.. She comes out of her trance and freezes like a rock..

KS to herself in her mind : Ei ka kar rahe the hum.. Hum paglaa gaye hain ka..
Ei MS hai.. Aur is haal me hai..
aur hum...ka kar rhe the unke saath..

Nhi nhi.. Hum shayad kuch jada hi soch rhe h.. Ei sab itna jo tanauv challa hai ei case ko leke aur thana me. Isi sab ke karan hamara dimag thora sa topa gya hai.. Aur koi baat nhi..

KS relaxes now, while HM still in her embrace.. KS caresses HM head once again but this time in a friendly way and knowingly.. KS jus wanted to comfort HM and make her sleep.

Both fall asleep hugging each other.

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