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It waas late night at MPT

There was complete silence in the room. Although duty hours were over, no one had left for home.

SS and CC were extremely worried and concerned about HM, who looked deeply disturbed after viewing those photographs of KS and ST.

However, the others were unaware of the cause of HM's grief, which was painted all over her face, occasionally giving way to bursts of anger.

She kept pacing back and forth in her small cabin, perspiring heavily, wiping her face to remove the sweat and a few drops of hot tears that threatened to flood out.

HM was confused and distraught, her mind racing with how drastically her life had changed in the recent past after her mother's sudden demise.

The arrival of KS as a companion as a lover in her life had brought about dramatic changes. Things that once seemed beautiful, pleasant, and a source of peace had now turned into despair and heartache.

As she walked down memory lane, vivid images flashed before her eyes — images of a very loving and caring KS. She remembered how KS had always been there for her, caring for her with an obedience and dedication that transcended both in personal and professional duty.

There were memories of KS carrying a semi-conscious HM in her warm, protective arms, her slender fingers gently caressing her hair in an attempt to soothe her to sleep. HM recalled how KS used to affectionately feed her with her own hands, the tenderness in those moments palpable. Their relationship had been deeply intimate, filled with passionate love-making that had once brought them both immense joy and satisfaction.

But those cherished memories were now tainted. The image of ST in KS's arms, engaged in a fervent liplock, was seared into HM's mind. This betrayal filled her with a mix of anguish and fury. Her eyes welled up as she struggled to reconcile the KS who had been her rock with the KS who had so deeply hurt her. The emotional turmoil was overwhelming. HM felt as if her world had shattered, leaving her to pick up the pieces of a life that had once been filled with love and promise.

Meanwhile, PS, though profoundly upset with HM after discovering her affair with KS, could not shake her concern for her. PS had never witnessed HM in such a state, simultaneously consumed by worry and anger. HM's restlessness cast a dark shadow over PS, filling her with an uneasiness and negetive vibes.

Even though PS remained at MPT with the others, she concealed her worries about both HM and KS. She was unaware of the true cause of HM's fury, but her intuition told her that something catastrophic was imminent. It was as if she could feel a looming storm, threatening to wipe off all the joy and peace in their lives. PS sensed a gathering tempest that could sweep away everything they held dear.

After hours of silence, KS enters MPT and walks straight in HM's cabin avoiding eye contact with PS.

KS: Jai Hind MS..!

HM does not salute back.. She stands motionless, offering no response.

KS, driven by an overwhelming desire to see HM, fails to notice this lack of acknowledgment as she approaches, her heart pounding with desperation and hope.

Blinded by her longing, KS hurries forward, yearning to hold HM and find solace in her embrace. She seeks peace, answers to life's harsh questions, and the comfort only HM can provide.

HM has always been the wellspring of joy and serenity for KS, and she rushes towards her, arms outstretched, seeking that familiar refuge.

However, before KS can close the distance, HM, her face a mask of cold fury, abruptly and robotically raises her hand, a stark command to stop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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