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Slowly the music was dying down as the night reaches it's peak..

The caterers and the other staffs were wrapping up.. The food counters were closed as everyone had managed to stay alive and eat something in between their outbursts of bizarre activities..

The DJs were closing too.. But they decided to leave the music system behind... and come back next morning to carry it.. Because right now they too were tired and tipsy..

The housekeeping staff were picking up empty bottles and other trash that were littered around..

The other staff members were leaving..

Meanwhile the guests were all drunk.. Sitting around in duos and trios..

PS and KS were seated in the chairs near the large table.. They were banging and slamming their hands on the table while bickering about something.. HM couldn't really understand a word they were spatting out at each other.. As their speech was slurred.

Billu was walking leglessly around the garden with Iqbal following him like a puppy..

Badnam was sitting on the ground trying to balance a bottle on his head..

Ss and Cc were no where to be seen.

HM got a little worried and started looking for them.. She searched everywhere both outside and inside the house but no clue of those two dorks..

HM runs towards the gate and ask the gaurds if they have left..

The gaurds informed her that none of the guests have left. While another young staff member comes forward and informed HM that he had seen Ss and Cc going towards the phone booth..

HM thanks him and quickly rushes towards the booth.. She lifts the curtain only to regret her own action..

Santu and Cheetah were in a heated lip lock, feeling up each other passionately.. They didn't realize what they were doing. They both were too drunk to perceive their surroundings or even their own actions... And while they were doing all this the camera was constantly flashing capturing each moment.. They might have inserted too many coins into the vending machine before they got all crazy sucking each other's mouth..

HM instantly pulls the curtain down, and walks away leaving the two alone..

Finding herself in a helpless situation, HM leaves her guests out in the garden and goes inside the house after instructing the guards to keep an eye on them... So that none of them may cause any stupid accidents..

About an hour later, all these people seemed to have calm down a little.. They were not sober yet, but atleast now they were not totally drunk.. They were atleast aware about their surroundings..

HM had come back... out in the garden area after freshening up a little...

KS who was feeling extremely hot due to all the dancing and jumping around, had taken off her body hugging full sleeved crop top and was now wearing a somewhat lose v-neck sleeveless tank top.

PS had pulled out her accessories including her bangles, dangling earrings, necklace, and even her sandals.. She had tucked her saree pallu on her waist and pulled her hair into a high messy bun..

Billu had removed his trousers and was wearing his half pant which he wears while doing chores in the thana.. He still had his formal looking shirt on though..

Cheetah and Santu had thrown their jackets away long back and were now confidently roaming around with only half buttoned shirts... Flaunting their stylish inner garments... Santu's kajal and mascara were all smudged but she did not bother to fix it or even to wipe it off...

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