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In HM bedrom

KS is still in her uniform. She is laying on the bed with HM on top of her. HM is softly kissing KS jawline and neck.. Slowly moving her lips lower towards KS collar bone.

HM hands naturally fall on KS shirts button and she was about to open them when something suddenly strikes her mind and she hesistates..

She remembers how KS had stopped her from doing that the last time they were together.. A sad look takes over her face and she turns her face to the side..

KS understands what HM was thinking about. KS places one hand on HM face and it turns it towards her own.. She then tries to pull HM close but HM resists and starts getting up.. HM places both her hands on either side of KS body and then tries to lift herself up and away from KS. KS immediately grabs her clothes and pulls her close.

Looking straight into HM eyes, KS whispers in pleadding voice

KS: Maddam Sir Please..

But HM closes her eyes and refuses to even look at KS. HM was deeply hurt by the fact that KS had stopped her from touching her, the way HM wanted to. KS notices the sadness on HM face..


[Warning: Adult content ahead, only suitable for 18+]


KS gently pushes HM and makes her sit on the bed with her legs folded behind.

KS then herself sits infront of HM in the same position.. Their knees touching together.. KS slowly lift her body a little in a kneeling down position, causing HM face to be aligned right in front of KS chest.

KS then unbottons and removes her own shirt. She cups HM face with both her hands and brings HM face close to her body... and then without any hesitation or shame, KS pulls HM face into her breasts.

Though HM was upset, but the way KS was seducing her right now was stirring up such an arousal in HM that it was impossible for her to supress it.

She was slowly letting her gaurd down now. KS takes advantage of the situation and holds HM hands and wraps them around her back.

With her fingers, KS carefully guided HM fingers to the clasp of her bra. HM gets the hint and opens it. They were not speaking nor looking at each other, yet they were communicating through their own body language.

HM removes the bra and gently starts kissing KS breast.. She massages her breasts v softly while licking across the soft skin. HM tongue encircle around KS nipple that had become hard as stone. She deeply sucks on the nipple while, pinching the other nipple betwween her thumb and index finger.. HM then moves her mouth to KS other nipple giving equal attention to it while twiddling the previous wet nipple that her mouth has just left. KS had thrown her head back, hands grpping HM hair.. She was moaning helplessly as she was at the mercy of HM now..

Once HM was pleased with her work she had done on KS, she slowly moves her mouth upwards towards kS collar bone and neck while hands still massaging over the breasts. HM than starts biting on KS skin leaving small hickeys around her neck and collar bone. She then gently bites at the bulge of KS boob leaving a small red mark there.

KS was quietly accepting this crucially lazy torture that HM was giving her.. HM's extreme slow pace was killing KS..

Because unlike KS, HM was not wild or harsh.. Rather she was v soft, gentle and unbelievably slow.

HM was leaving small but prominent marks all over KS skin v carefully without leaving any inch.. As if she was marking her territory and trying to show that KS only belonged to her.

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