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It has been a busy week at MPT

All have been working v hard and tiring themselves

Cc has been going for police protection duty for Rahul.. Until now no one from Bulbul Pandey's thana has come forward to help.
So during daytime poor Cc would be out and then he would have night duty at thana.

In Cc absence, Ss load of work has obviously increased.. Moreover she assisting HM on her cases..

HM is deeply engrossed in 2 cases at the same time.. One was this Rahul case which has stretched so much, unnecessarily due to the fact that his father was a powerful and politician.. And also due to the interference of the Chingari gang..

HM other case was not really a case.. Rather as discussed with DSP sir, she was secretely investigating about this Chingari gang and mostly about Shivani tai to eradicate them from their roots.

Ss would help HM gather information from all possible sources including Social Media where she found some of the Chingari Gang Members (CGM)..

Both HM and Ss were doing a thorough research about the CGM. In fact some nights Ss would stay back at HM house and they would continue their research through the night.

PS meanwhile was handling small domestic cases all by herself. HM had encouraged her that she can take care of domestic cases without HM intervention.. and PS was actually doing it quite grace fully with her years of experience and counseling skills.. But of course HM offered that if ever PS needed any help, HM was there for her..

KS was breaking her bones on the field.. She was torn between day field jobs and night patrolling.. And that was not the end.. KS was absorbed in gathering evidences against Ammi's killers and finding leads to AS.

KS would go to Singh house and HM house on alternate nights.. Or almost towards the end of the night around 3 Or 4 am.. Whether at Singh house or at HM house, KS would just lay motionless in bed, sleeping like dead. And then early morning again she had to rush.

Either HM or PS would forcefully make her eat something before she left. KS was getting drained, the strenuous day and night shifts were taking a toll on her physical health.. This really worried both PS and HM.


It was 9'o clcock; Saturday night at MPT

Duty hours were long over and an extremely tiresome week has come to end.

Ss had left for her quarter and Cc had been given a 4 hours break by HM before he could come back for his night duty

Billu who had been overhelping everyone, some times HM, while sometimes KS.. Also doing some chores at the thana the entire week was now peacefully sleeping in his Billu Niwas..

PS was at her table, gathering all the paper work related to the two domestic cases she had already solved this week.. She was hurriedly arranging everything as KS had come to the Thana to pick PS and take her home. KS looked v stressed out and exhausted and in a bad mood. Hence PS did not want to piss her off any further, so she was doing everything in a rush while KS was waiting in HM cabin.


In HM cabin

HM was in her chair, while KS was sitting accross the table on another chair. KS had rested both her elbows on the table and burried her face in her palm , lowering her head.

HM: Kya baat hai KS.. Aap pichle 10 min se aise sar jhuka ke chup chap baithi hain..

KS slowly lifts her head, wiping her face with her hands and harshly rubbing her eyes.

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