saved//atsushi angst//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi was kidnapped but the agency couldn't find him because of ranpo not helping.

Warning: sexual assault?, pedophile, characters death(mori).

(Mori kidnapped atsushi.)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was 18 years old when he was found by dazai and kunikida, he was immediately taken in by the agency because the port mafia was after atsushi. The whole agency didn't mind it but ranpo dislike it because he didn't wanted the agency to be hurt or injured so he didn't help at all, when atsushi was kidnapped. The agency tried many things to get him to help but nothing work so now atsushi was with the port mafia and the agency didn't even know that.

Mori was interested in atsushi, mori usual like little girl but atsushi was different and special so atsushi became mori favorite. "That just fucked up.." Chuuya said as sighed, the whole port mafia knew about the agency finding atsushi and they knew, how ranpo didn't even help them find atsushi. "Damm it" kouyou said as she looked down at her tea, both chuuya and kouyou felt bad for atsushi because he didn't deserve it, no one deserves it. Atsushi didn't wanted this and he couldn't even fight back. "Perfect." Mori said as he played with atsushi hair and atsushi just stare in the mirror. He was wearing a nice red dress, just like elise, he also has two tiger ear and a tail out because mori thought it was adorable.

Mori has many planned with atsushi, and atsushi knew his life was going to get worse now. Atsushi was forced to grow his hair but at least atsushi was fed and he got anything he wanted, while chuuya and kouyou made a planned to help atsushi escape or be free from mori. "behave, atsushi. I'll be back soon." Mori softly says to atsushi and atsushi just nodded, as mori walked away. "Atsushi..we will help you." Chuuya suddenly said and atsushi look surprised to hear that but he was happy to hear it.

Chuuya and kouyou decided to work with fukuzawa as well because atsushi was going to go back with the agency, no matter what. The agency or other port mafia members knew nothing about this plan because the more people that know, the more of the chance that mori find out. Atsushi was suffering a lot but he knew one day, he would be free so he waited until that day came.

The only way this planned would work is by killing mori, which no one has a problem with. Atsushi was sitting in mori office as usual as mori talked about something, when suddenly chuuya walked into the office. Chuuya was going to kill mori and he was going to make sure, it's painful and slow. "disgusting." Atsushi said as he looked at mori body and it was unrecognizable. "we're going to take you back to the agency." Chuuya said and atsushi just looked down, he was nervous because of ranpo.

"you guys should get going, I'll deal with the problems here." Kouyou softly said as she pat atsushi head and chuuya just nodded. Fukuzawa was waiting for atsushi and chuuya to arrive, while the members wonder what's going on. "I got the clothes, you asked for..but who are they for?" Yosano asked, the other members were currently, even ranpo didn't even know what was happening. Suddenly chuuya walked into the agency and dazai was staring at chuuya in shocked. "Chuuya?" Dazai said and suddenly atsushi finally walked into the agency building.

The whole agency was shocked and ranpo immediately felt guilty, while fukuzawa gave atsushi the clothes. "Thank you." Atsushi said as he walked into yosano office to change, while the other agency member looked at fukuzawa. "Atsushi was taken by can already imagine what mori did to atsushi but now mori is dead." Chuuya said and the agency looked horrified especially yosano and dazai because they were victims.

"Can I some scissors? I want to cut my hair." Atsushi said as he walked into the main room, "I'll cut your hair." Yosano softly says and atsushi just smile as yosano slowly cut atsushi long hair off. "Kouyou is most likely to become the new port mafia boss." Chuuya said, chuuya had no desire to become the boss so kouyou will become the boss. Atsushi was happy though, he was finally free from mori. "All done." Yosano said, atsushi long hair was finally gone, which made atsushi so happy to hear.

"Atsushi, you will be staying with dazai for the time being." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just nodded, he was fine with staying with dazai and dazai was also fine with it, chuuya soon left and atsushi and dazai walked to dazai places. Dazai suddenly hugged atsushi and he didn't dare let go, even though atsushi and dazai knew each other for some weeks, dazai was already attached to atsushi so he was happy that atsushi was back. "I'm sorry atsushi.." Dazai softly says and suddenly atsushi just started to cry.

Atsushi hasn't cried the whole time so he had a right to cry and obviously dazai let atsushi cry. "I didn't want it!!" Atsushi said, he was laying his head on dazai chest as dazai rub atsushi back for comfort. Dazai was going to protect atsushi now, he was going to make sure atsushi has a normal life from now on. Atsushi soon calm down but was now sleeping on dazai but dazai didn't mind, dazai just held atsushi as he fall asleep too.

(Overprotective dazai)

Dazai may be a bit too overprotective though, because ranpo did try to apologize but dazai just glare at ranpo. "'s fine." Atsushi said as dazai hold onto atsushi and ranpo isn't surprise at all. Atsushi was fine with ranpo, ranpo was worried for the agency, and atsushi respects that so he did forgive ranpo. "It not!!" Dazai said as he pet atsushi head and atsushi just chuckled. Dazai soon let ranpo apologize, everything went back to normal. Atsushi join the agency and does get help for the trauma, he experienced. atsushi is doing better and that all that matters.

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