friends//atsushi and the hunting dogs//

516 16 4

-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-the hunting dogs save atsushi and atsushi stay with them for a while until atsushi join the agency.

Warning: mention of abuse.

(Tachihara won't be in the hunting dogs at the time because atsushi arriving because I don't know when tachihara actually join the hunting dogs)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The hunting dogs usually don't do any type of mission, that's not dangerous at all but this time, they decided to take this one. They were investigating a orphanage for child abuse which is why they took the case and they found little atsushi. "Oh god.." Teruko said as she opened the cage and Fukuchi didn't look happy at all. Jōno may not be able to see anything but he knew something was wrong, he could smell blood. "Huh..the kids injuries are healing.." Tetchō said, little atsushi was just scared of them so he was holding himself. "I'll deal with the headmaster.." Fukuchi said as he walked away, Fukuchi did not tolerate abuse at all especially child abuse so the headmaster going to pay the price.

Teruko did her best to try to calm down little atsushi and after a while little atsushi just pass out from hunger so jōno was carrying him. While Fukuchi may have beaten the living shit out of the headmaster but he deserved it. "Can we keep him?" Tetchō asked, and fukuchi just sigh. "He not a pet, we can't just keep him." Fukuchi said and that was true. "Che on! It would be a good thing to have a kid around! Maybe then you won't be so grumpy." Teruko said, jōno was holding his laughter and Fukuchi just sighed and agreed to it so now they were taking care of little atsushi.

It took a lot of time for Atsushi to even be around the hunting dogs but after a while atsushi got used to them. "Hm? Atsushi.." Jōno said as he looked down and atsushi is just holding onto cape, atsushi looks very nervous. "I don't want to be alone.." Atsushi said and jōno just smiled as he hold out his hand for atsushi to take. He was going to a meeting but he was sure that, fukuchi wouldn't mind atsushi there. "Atsushi?" Fukuchi said as jōno walked in with atsushi. "I don't want to be alone.." Atsushi said and fukuchi just smiled. Atsushi didn't understand anything they were talking about but he was happy he wasn't alone so that's all that matters.

Out of all the hunting dogs, atsushi favorite was jōno. Atsushi would always be around jōno because atsushi trusted him and slowly atsushi trusted the others as well. Teruko was like a aunt to atsushi, after finding out about atsushi ability, he was trained by Tetchō so atsushi learned a lot about him because of that. Fukuchi was always business because he the boss but he always spend some time with atsushi, no matter what.

Atsushi never played on joined the hunting dogs because it was too much for atsushi so atsushi join the agency. "The agency?" Fukuchi said and atsushi just nodded. "I..still want to help out some people" atsushi said as he looked down and fukuchi just smiled. "Fukuzawa..he was my friend, he's the boss and I'm sure you'll be a wonderful member there." Fukuchi said, fukuzawa and fukuchi rarely talk anymore unless it's business and that's because of their differences but no matter what, fukuchi does trust fukuzawa so he happy atsushi will be joining the agency.

"Atsushi!!" Teruko said as she hugged atsushi, the whole hunting dogs was very overprotective of atsushi so they didn't really want him to go but they soon agreed to it but they still checked on atsushi on text but they actually never seen atsushi in person, ever since he joined the agency due to work but this timex they had time.

Atsushi was doing his own as usual and no one was expecting a visit from the hunting dogs. "The hunting dogs?" Kenji said in confusion and everyone looks at the door, while naomi get the president. "Atsushi!!" Teruko said as she run towards atsushi and they both fell to the ground. Kyouka was glaring at teruko and atsushi just laughed. "She was very excited to see you." Jōno softly said and atsushi just stand up and teruko was smiling.

"Fukuchi." Fukuzawa said in a confused voice and fukuchi just smiled. " you know the hunting dogs?" Dazai ask and atsushi just nodded. "..they actually saved me from the orphanage." Atsushi said, the agency knew something about the orphanage but they didn't know much but they know that abuse happened. "I remember that..fukuchi beat the living shit out of the Headmaster." Teruko suddenly said and fukuchi just looked away. "He deserved it." Tetchō said and everyone agreed with that.

"I stayed with the hunting dogs for quite a while until I actually joined the agency." Atsushi explained, the whole agency knew nothing about atsushi knowing the hunting dogs so that was surprising but they weren't mad about that. "but it took a while for me to get close to them.." Atsushi said, jōno sudden smirked. "I was the favorite." Jōno said and both Tetchō and teruko glare at him as they frown. Jōno was always make sure, they knew he was the favorite and they weren't happy about that at all.

"Anyways..we haven't seen atsushi ever since he join the agency so we decided to visit because we were free today." Fukuchi explained and now everything made sense so no one was worried now. "I see..that fine with me, atsushi should be on break anyways." fukuzawa said with a small smile and atsushi just nodded as he get dragged out by teruko.  "We'll bring him back after we catch up." Fukuchi said and fukuzawa just nodded and fukuchi left the building to go to the other.

The hunting dogs and atsushi went to a restaurant to catch up on thing because it was lunch time as well. They're all happy to find out that atsushi has been doing well in the agency so that was good. "Fukuzawa is a great boss..and he seems to favorite me more.." Atsushi said and fukuchi just laughed. "is that because you're a cat?" Fukuchi asked and atsushi look offended to hear that. "I'm a tiger not a cat!" Atsushi said as teruko laughed as well, teruko and fukuchi love calling atsushi a cat because of his ability. "I mean..atsushi technically you are a cat, just a big cat." Tetchō said and atsushi just looked more offended so atsushi just looked away, which made all of them laugh.

After a while, atsushi break was over and the hunting dogs has to go back to work but at least they saw each other again. The agency was fine with it because there was nothing wrong with it but they did have a few questions about it but nothing private or anything.

(😭this is so bad)

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