book//atsushi & byakko// part two

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi is connected to the book and byakko can come out of atsushi body.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Everything was somewhat going normally, atsushi has been in hiding in a way because the agency knows atsushi to be save. They also been looking into who took the page of the book and after many days atsushi figured out who. "Fyodor.." Atsushi suddenly said, it was somewhat obvious that it was fyodor and with some evidence, they knew it was actually him. Byakko just growls and lays her head on atsushi lay, atsushi just sigh as he starts to pet byakko.

"Fyodor is smart..I wouldn't be surprise if he found out about me being connected to the book." Atsushi said, fyodor was smart and he would be anything to get the book so it wouldn't be shocking but it would be a problem, if he found out. "But, I'm'll protect me, no matter what." Atsushi said with a smile, byakko just chuff, she would protect atsushi, no matter what so atsushi didn't have to worry, also the other were try to protect atsushi as well.

Fyodor did actually learned that atsushi was connected to the book so this was bad because he was going to kidnapped atsushi. Atsushi knew where the book was, fyodor just needed to get atsushi to talk, which should be easy but it not. Atsushi was just reading, when suddenly someone grabbed him, lucky enough byakko wasn't out so fyodor knew nothing about byakko existence. Fyodor has use nikolai ability to basically get atsushi so no one knew about atsushi being gone yet. Atsushi was now in a room, tied up and was blindfolded as well so atsushi didn't know where he was and he couldn't see anything yet.

"I know everything about you being connected to the book." Fyodor said with a smirk as he walked closer to atsushi, atsushi just smiled. "I'm not telling you." Atsushi said, fyodor just sigh, he knew atsushi would say that so he was going to have to do something to make atsushi say where the book was but while that was happening. The agency, port mafia and surprisingly the guild were looking for atsushi because they noticed he was gone. "torture doesn't really work on me..I was tortured enough in the orphanage, I can take that." Atsushi said with a smirk, atsushi was just teasing fyodor at this point and fyodor was getting tired of it.

He just wanted the book but atsushi wasn't going to give up that information. "You'll give up that information soon enough." Fyodor said, atsushi just chuckled, atsushi did somewhat find his funny in a way. Fyodor was just annoyed by that, the agency, port mafia and the guild were trying their best to find atsushi and soon they did with the help of katai and ranpo so now they're on the way to the location. Atsushi just smiled as everyone basically busted down the door, fyodor just looked at them and suddenly byakko finally come out and she immediately attacked fyodor.

"Oh..look like byakko is a bit...grumpy today." Atsushi softly said as he laughed, the other just sighed as they watched byakko tried to eat fyodor. "Byakko can actually eat human." Atsushi suddenly said, everyone just stare at atsushi in shock, atsushi is just smiled. "I'm not messing with atsushi." francis said, mark just nodded in agreement, some of the others also nodded in agreement. While byakko was trying to kill fyodor, atsushi went looking for something and that was the page of the book. Sadly fyodor did disappear so byakko didn't get a human for lunch.

"There it is." Atsushi said as he hold the page, the other just looked confused. "This is a page from the book." Atsushi said, the others honestly expected it to be more different than just a normal page. "Can you even put the page back?" Kunikida suddenly asked, atsushi just nodded, the book was basically magic so that is possible. "The book is basically magic so lot of things are possible." Atsushi said as he starts to pet byakko head, the other just nodded and soon they went on with their day.

The page was finally return back to the book, and the agency was a bit more overprotective of aatsushi atsushi was fine so that all that matters in the end.

(😭it bad)

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