beautiful end//atsushi angst?//

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Warning: suicide, characters death.

(Atsushi was going to die in beauty)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Today was the day of atsushi was going to end himself, he was going to end his suffering. Atsushi was suffering from his past, it was basically haunted him he couldn't function, like a normal person, but atsushi couldn't be normal, no matter how much he tried, atsushi just wanted to be free. he decided to go out in beauty. He planned this perfectly, first he found an old warehouse and put a bunch of fake flowers on the floor, he was going to die on the flowers. Atsushi always dreamed of dying on flowers so he's going to make dream true. Atsushi was ready, he already has note explaining everything, everything was going according to his plan.

He went to work as usual and did all his work, he didn't bother trying to eat food at all because today was his last day. No one noticed it, ranpo and dazai obviously noticed something but they just ignored it, which was a mistake. Atsushi was always happy so it wasn't unusual, everything was going perfect, even kyouka didn't even notice, and she notices everything about her brother. Kyouka saw atsushi as her brother and she deeply for her brother so she always watches atsushi but today she was a bit more busy then usual. Atsushi obviously say goodbye to the agency members and then he walked towards the old warehouse.

'if I plan this correctly, they would find out tomorrow morning..' Atsushi thought to himself as he checked his phone, atsushi didn't want the agency to find him, when he was trying to kill himself. He didn't want to be save but atsushi was actually smart so he knew this would work and he would finally be free. Atsushi does heal quite fast so he took a bunch of things and he was going to take them at the same time. Atsushi slowly took everything, he took a bunch of sleeping pills and then drunk poison but he also had a knife, he was going to stab himself as well.

"A full moon.." Atsushi said with a smile as he stare at the full moon and then he walked lay down. Atsushi slowly hold the knife right next to his heart, atsushi took a deep breath and suddenly atsushi stabbed his own heart, and it obviously hurt like shit.
Atsushi felt it, it was uncomfortable and painful and he didn't move the knife at all so it just stayed there. soon atsushi was getting tired, atsushi felt weak, he couldn't move his arm or leg so he just lay there. "Goodbye.." Atsushi softly said as he smiled, it was a genuine smile, it wasn't fake or anything and then atsushi closes his eyes. Atsushi took his last breath and then his breathing has finally stopped. Atsushi was gone and no one knew about it yet but soon everyone was going to find out.

In the morning, kyouka woke up and she immediately knew something was wrong, atsushi wasn't home. At first she thought he was at dazai because sometimes atsushi does stay with dazai so kyouka decided to call dazai. Dazai obviously has no idea, where atsushi was  and soon everyone was called but they didn't want where atsushi was. Kyouka was now getting worried, and so was everyone else, atsushi wasn't answering their calls or texts. "Ranpo! You're meant to help people so use your fucking smartness for once!" Kyouka said, she was about to kill ranpo, and ranpo didn't feel like dying today so he did use ultra deduction.

Ranpo had some evidence so he found out the location where atsushi was but he didn't know atsushi was dead, that was meant to be a surprise. "Alright..Let go get atsushi.." Kunikida said as he sighed, soon everyone was heading towards the destination, where they would find their friend. "Huh? Why would atsushi be here?" Dazai said as kyouka walked into the old building and then she saw atsushi. "!" Kyouka said as she run towards atsushi body, everyone was caught off guard, usually kyouka is always calm so it was weird to see her not calm. "Atsushi!" Kyouka said as she grab atsushi body, and it was cold, it was too late. Kyouka looked shocked, tear slowly filter eyes, she couldn't believe it.

The other were shocked too, no one could believe it, atsushi was gone. "Suicide..he committed suicide.." Yosano slowly said as she looked at the body, it was somewhat obvious it was suicidal and the smile on atsushi face gave it away. Dazai was crying, he never cried before but atsushi was also important to him and now atsushi is gone, everyone has lost atsushi. "Can you bring him back?" Kenji slowly asked , yosano shook her head at the no, atsushi body was already dead. "He too late." Yosano said, everyone was heartbroken but soon they called the president.

They were going to bury atsushi and surround him with a bunch of flowers because that's what he wanted. The port mafia was notified of this loss, no one in the port mafia believes it, especially akutagawa. Akutagawa and atsushi were partners and each time, they fight, atsushi always come back so he didn't believe it until he saw atsushi body. No one in the port mafia cry though but they were there at the funeral for respect.

Atsushi was finally free and happy and that all that matters.

(😭im running out of atsushi angst idea)

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