love?//atsushi x dazai//

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi is a assassin for the port mafia and dazai is still in the port mafia.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi used to live in a orphanage, but soon that changed and then he was being taking to the port mafia by mori. Atsushi ability was great, it was strong and perfect for the port mafia so atsushi was able to join and atsushi became a assassin. Atsushi mostly work in the dark, he needed to be quiet all the time, his ability worked perfectly for this, atsushi senses are a lot higher because he's technically half tiger. Atsushi doesn't really pay attention to the other members so most people knew nothing about him, even dazai knew nothing until he saw atsushi.

"Who that?" Dazai said, chuuya just looked confused until he see atsushi. "That atsushi, he's been here for a while and he's an assassin." Chuuya said, dazai just nodded, dazai never really believed in love at first sight but maybe now he believes it because atsushi was fucking beautiful, dazai wanted to know more about atsushi so he slowly walked towards atsushi. "You can't scare me..I can hear you." Atsushi suddenly said as he turned around, dazai looked surprised but now he was more interested in atsushi. "It my ability..I can turn into a senses are a lot better because of that." Atsushi explained, atsushi didn't even care that dazai was a executive, dazai was just falling in love.

Atsushi just stare at dazai for a few minutes and then he left because he has a mission but dazai just ran after atsushi. "Atsushi..!! Wait for me!!"  Dazai said as he followed atsushi, chuuya just felt bad for atsushi, but he didn't do anything about it. 'At least..he's not annoying me anymore..' Chuuya thought to himself as he quickly leaves. Atsushi basically just ignored dazai existence, atsushi needs to get this mission now and at least dazai knew, how to be quiet. Dazai wasn't paying attention so he was about to get hit by someone but atsushi literally kick the shit out of them. 'Damm..that was hot..' Dazai thought to himself, atsushi just looked down, atsushi was strong, which makes sense, he is a port mafia member.

Atsushi couldn't stopped dazai from following, dazai was always right next to atsushi, there was nothing that can be done about it. Atsushi soon got used to dazai, be actually starts to talk more and dazai was so interested in knowing more about atsushi. It was obvious that dazai was in love with atsushi, even mori saw it but atsushi didn't really like dazai back until later on. Atsushi didn't understand feelings so he did nothing about it and acting the same until dazai decided to confesses his feelings on a mission or somewhat confessed his feelings.

Atsushi and dazai were now basically working together all the time so this mission wasn't any different, atsushi always go on dangerous missions but there was back up so atsushi was fighting a lot of people. "I'm not that weak." Atsushi said as he kicked someone head off, atsushi was basically killing everyone, which was okay, mori just needed one person so atsushi could kill the rest. 'Let hope dazai get the person..' Atsushi thought to himself as he smashes another person's head, they were all dead and now atsushi has to wait for dazai.

"Atsushi~!! You always look so hot, when fighting, I just couldn't disturb you until, you're done!" Dazai explain as he walked towards atsushi, dazai was dragging the person that, they needed so the mission was a success. "Atsushi.." Dazai suddenly said as he grabbed atsushi shoulder and atsushi just looked confused until dazai kisses atsushi on the lips. Atsushi was surprised, but slowly he kisses back, they were basically ignoring all the dead bloody bodies. "we'll talk later." Atsushi said, as he started to walked away, dazai just whine but he listened to atsushi. Atsushi has dog on a leash basically, dazai was the dog not atsushi.

After reporting to mori about the mission, dazai basically dragged atsushi into a empty room and started to kiss him. "Couldn't wait~?" Atsushi asked, dazai just stared to kiss atsushi neck, which atsushi let him. "you're just so beautiful..atsushi." Dazai said, atsushi just smirked, atsushi was beautiful. "we can't do anything here." Atsushi suddenly said as he pulls dazai hair, dazai just whine but listening again. Atsushi didn't want to be caught having a makeout session with dazai in the port mafia base, it would be embarrassing. The whole drive to atsushi house as quiet, dazai was just holding onto atsushi and atsushi just did nothing.

Once at atsushi beautiful house, dazai just kisses atsushi again. "I love you~" Dazai said with a smile, atsushi just sigh, he really did love dazai back. "I love you too..." Atsushi finally said, dazai just chuckled as he kisses atsushi again, atsushi finally admitted his feelings. "I wanted to cuddle." Atsushi suddenly said as he basically pulled dazai hair again and atsushi slowly drags dazai into the bedroom. " like to cuddle~?" Dazai asked, atsushi just glare at dazai as he basically using dazai as a pillow. "Shut your mouth." Atsushi said, dazai just smiled, dazai didn't mind it and he basically hold atsushi the whole time.

Atsushi is still sometimes mean to dazzi though and dazai love it.

(😭 I rush to write this so it's bad!)

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