Hundred Thirty Six - End

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My dear friends. I feel inspired to give this story a proper ending, just in case there's anyone out there waiting for it. 

Buckle up, this is a long one haha.

This will have a bit of a time jump, with these characters being in their late twenties now.


Mitch had waited years, literal years for this day. 

After the engagement, he and Scott had taken some time to save up for a beautiful wedding. 

It didn't take very long, now that they were living on their own. After Alex and Avi had broken up and moved away, Kirstie left the house quickly after. 

Alex and Mitch stayed in touch for as long as they could, but they haven't physically hung out in quite some time. 

Avi visited often, however. He still felt responsible to keep an eye on Scott. 

Kirstie was pretty much in the wind. She continued to make questionable choices with the men she dated, and eventually she and Mitch had a falling out about it. Mitch had refused to stand by while she continued to hurt herself. 

Due to this, Mitch hadn't seen Kirstie in years. 

Scott had practically begged Mitch for a small wedding, since he didn't have many family members or friends to invite. 

Mitch had mostly agreed because he was heartbroken about the distance between him and his friends. 

This meant that he and Scott had gotten married in private. They only invited a small group to the ceremony afterwards, and Mitch was surprised at how much he enjoyed it. 

They had booked a ballroom that was connected to a hotel, so that their guests that flew or drove into town would have an easy time finding a place to stay.

It was much more intimate this way, and Mitch enjoyed that he had more time to spend with everyone. 

The guests were already seated at their tables when Scott and Mitch walked into the hotel ballroom in their tuxes. 

The room was full of cheering as they entered, including the staff who were rushing around setting up the buffet line of food. 

Scott was smiling more today than practically any other day in his life. He found Avi seated at the front table, beside the seats that were decorated for the grooms. 

Mitch kissed Scott's cheek, before separating from him to go say hello to his parents. 

Scott immediately went to sit beside Avi. "I'm all grown up now, huh?"

Avi just grinned at him. "Who would've thought? The badass Scott I used to know is all settled down and domestic."

Scott couldn't wipe the smile from his face. He watched as the waitstaff began passing out glasses of champagne to the guests.

Avi turned to face him, and spoke softly. "Don't let me ruin your day, I just wanted to ask really quick... Did you invite your folks?"

"Nah." Scott took the champagne he was handed, and set it down in front of him. "Today is about Mitch and I. I didn't want my ridiculous family to ruin it somehow."

"I understand." Avi took the glass he was handed, and passed it over to set it down in front of Scott's plate. 

Scott watched as a few more guests walked into the room to find their seats. As he followed them with his eyes, he noticed some of Mitch's cousins sit down at the same table as Alex. His eyes stayed there a moment longer. "So... Have you two spoken at all?"

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