Hundred Twenty Nine

536 48 17


This is extra long (literally twice as long as usual) - Sorry I'm getting carried away hahaha


"Alright fine." Alex snapped. "Never have I ever picked a lock to get inside a car."

Scott rolled his eyes before making eye contact with Avi, as they both drank from their cups.

Avi had convinced everyone that they were gonna take shots of his favorite vodka, and now he was really regretting it.

Avi glared at Alex, as his turn came up. "Never have I ever ended a class with a grade higher than a B."

Alex glared right back at him. "That's just cheap." He and Mitch both took shots. 

Mitch elbowed Scott. "What about autoshop?"

Scott shrugged. "Still a B."

Mitch frowned at him, and then turned to face the others. "Never have I ever... Had the cops called on me."

Avi made eye contact with Scott again, as they both drank. "So this is how it's gonna be, huh?"

Scott nodded, shaking his head a little as the vodka went down. "Damn." He glanced at Mitch to think about a better one, and then he spoke. "Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher."

Mitch's face went bright red. "You absolute fucking monster." He was the only one to take a shot, which only made him feel worse.

Alex leaned toward him, immediately. "You never told me that! Who was it?"

Avi stuck a hand out to gently push Alex away, not liking how close he was leaning to the fire. "Alright, chem nerd, what happens when we combine alcohol and fire?"

"Don't you ruin this for me, this is the most interesting thing I've heard all night." Alex snapped, but giggled as he did lean away from the fire. 

Mitch was hiding his face with one of his hands. "Scott, how could you?" But he removed his hands to look at Alex. "It was Mr. Odin."

Scott couldn't help but laugh once. "Mitchie told me that Odin was the name of some Norse God, and he remembered that because Mr. Odin was sculpted like a God too."

Mitch quickly slapped a hand over Scott's mouth. "I told you that in confidence!"

Alex was laughing too now, as he leaned back in his seat. "I can't believe it! I can't believe you never told me that!"

Avi was invested now. "That's so fucking funny, what did he look like?"

Mitch was too far in to turn back now, so he spoke fluidly. "Fine, alright, fine. He was tall and kinda skinny, but he had really nice thighs." He covered his face again. "I can't believe I'm telling you all this."

Alex tried to help a little. "I totally get it, Mitchie. He had really pretty green eyes and stuff... I totally get it."

Avi's head turned to look at him. "Oh? Green eyes, huh? Must be your type."

Alex giggled, feeling some of the alcohol buzzing through him. He leaned forward to place a finger on Avi's lips, tracing the lower lip slowly. "But his were just green. Yours are... So much more."

Mitch took that opportunity to hide his head in the crook of Scott's neck. "I can't believe you outed me like that."

Avi took his turn next, and he held his glass up in the air slightly. "Alright you pervs, never have I ever worn lingerie."

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