Eighty Five

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Idk how the fuck I have time for this but off I go lmaooo

Also, I know lots of y'all wanted me to continue this book, so if there's anything in particular you guys were hoping I'd write in, feel free to let me know ;) thanksss


Avi was the next to step away, going off to find Alex.

Mitch walked back over to sit beside Scott on the hill, not wanting him to be alone. "Hey, baby."

Scott didn't even look at him. "I wasn't in love with him, Mitch."

Mitch paused for a second, reaching over to put a hand on Scott's knee. "You don't have to justify... Whatever, y'know? I know that it's in the past now, and... I think we're beyond judging each other for our past romances."

"But it wasn't a romance, I just... I was 15, Mitch. And I was feeling so much pain all the time, I didn't know what to make of somebody being nice to me."

"Again... Babe, you don't have to justify anything to me. It's your own business. And... If you want to talk about it, that's fine. I'd love to listen. But... If you don't want to? Then don't. It's okay."

"I just want you to know that nobody compares to you, that's all. Nobody has ever made me feel the way you do. I thought it was love, because... He was nicer than the others. But now that I've met you, I know what love truly feels like."

Mitch nodded slowly, leaning over to press a kiss to the side of Scott's head. "Okay.. I understand." He paused. "I'm here to listen, baby. If you want to continue..?"

"There's nothing else to really say, just... Unless there's anything you need to know..? As my partner, if there's stuff you want me to tell you, I will." Scott looked out at the bridge, trying to ease his mind while he spoke. "We didn't... I mean, he didn't..."

Mitch tried to offer, speaking lightly. "You didn't..? Kiss? Or you mean, you didn't hook up?"

"Right." Scott leaned back, only to lay down fully on the grass. "We didn't go that far, he just... He touched me a few times, and we kissed and stuff, but... I was young, Mitch. I--"

"Stop saying that, honey. You can be young and still be in love. And that fact doesn't make me feel any lesser... I'm very grateful for what I have."

Scott glanced over at him. "Okay... If you say so. But if you have any questions, like.. I'm open to it. But otherwise, I don't really wanna talk about him after today. I want to move on from all of this."


Avi caught up to Alex, as they stood facing the water. They were far enough away for Scott and Mitch not to be able to hear them, but Avi was still able to see both of them to know they were okay. 

Alex sighed and looked at the grass beneath his feet before Avi had the chance to talk. "I know what I said. Okay? Mitch already gave me a lecture, I don't need to be attacked from both sides here."

Avi blinked once, and then reached out to grab Alex's hand to hold. "Okay... I'm not here to lecture you. I just... Wanted to know if you were okay..?"

Alex merely glanced at him. "I know that's not the real reason you walked over here."

"It is, though. I know you don't agree with Scott, but... I guess that's your own choice, right? I didn't mean to get upset with you, I just... Well, you know. I protect Scott with all that I have."

"I don't really want to talk about this, Av. I know I shouldn't have passed any judgement on him, being that it was a traumatic time in his life. I just.. I just don't understand how he could have sympathized with one of his attackers."

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