Hundred Seven

460 43 19

During the movie, Alex finally decided that he'd had enough. 

He stood from the couch, and quietly snuck off to Mitch's room. 

He knocked once, waited, and then peeked his head into the room. "Mitchie?"

Mitch was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, having just put on jeans and trying to find a shirt he liked. "Yeah?"

Alex walked in, and softly closed the door behind him. "Good morning. Feeling okay?"

Mitch paused to really consider that. "I guess. You heard about the argument then..? That's why you're here?"

"Well, I'm here to check on you, babe. I know how hard it is on you, when you guys get into an argument." Alex approached slowly, leaning on the door frame of the bathroom.

Mitch glanced at him in the reflection, and then looked down at the shirt in his hands. "Yeah... We just need to talk it out, that's all. I just... Thought I should spend some time in here to get my head together."

"I understand. Avi made some coffee this morning, can I bring you a cup? Might help."

"No. Thanks though, nice of you to offer." Mitch stepped away from the mirror, and took a short step to find himself in Alex's embrace. "Can I talk to you about it..?"

Alex hugged him gently, hands on Mitch's bare back. "Of course you can, babe."


Alex walked out of the room and walked back toward the kitchen without speaking to the others on the couch.

Kirstie was already there, making an omelette of some kind. She glanced up at him when he walked in. "Oh, hey. Do you wanna share this with me? I don't think I'm gonna eat all of it."

Alex only glanced at it for a moment. "No thank you."

She nodded, and continued what she was doing. "No problem... Have you eaten today?"

"A little this morning."

Avi suddenly gasped from the other room. "Don't listen to him, Kirst, he's a liar!"

Alex flinched, looking down at the floor in embarrassment. "I said a little, Avi."

"Pretty sure you didn't eat at all." Avi threw back. "I was literally out here all day."

Alex looked down in embarrassment, with nothing to say back. He didn't wanna upset anybody.

Kirstie felt bad that she'd been the one to introduce the conversation, so she fought for him. "Yeah, and what about it? It's barely noon, he's still got time."

Avi stood from the couch to walk over, wondering why Kirstie was arguing with him. "I know, I was just saying. Allie, maybe you should share the ome--"

Scott spoke up from the couch. "Dude, shut up. Stop telling him what he should and shouldn't be doing."

Avi flinched at the sound of his voice. "I didn't realize this was a family affair."

Alex finally spoke up. "We don't need to argue about this. I didn't... I mean, I didn't know it was bothering you so much that I didn't eat this morning."

"It's not that." Avi began. "I just... I worry about you, is all. I didn't mean to try to control you, I just..." Avi looked down at the ground, and spoke softly. "I'm really sorry."

Alex reached over to hold his hand, feeling proud that he was willing to say that out loud with so many people around. "I forgive you, handsome. I appreciate how worried you get." He paused, and then spoke again. "Maybe we can all get lunch somewhere. There's a cute little coffee shop on campus I could show you."

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