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Scott was already way beyond tipsy, and they'd only been at the party for about a half hour.

He was kicking ass in beer pong, and made sure to tell Mitch every single time they made eye contact. 

Meanwhile Kirstie was doing her best to get a boy's attention, and Alex did his best to help her. 

But it resulted in the boy walking over and asking Alex for his number, which made Kirstie pout. "Why do all the hottest boys have to be gay?"

Alex just chuckled at her, and then faced the 'hot gay' boy beside him. "Honestly, there's a man with a beard that's glaring at us right now, so for your own safety I have to ask that you pretend this never happened."

"He's got you on a leash huh?"

"He's just protective is all... But it was nice to meet you."

Kirstie pouted up at him. "This is so unfair... How come I never get to have a boyfriend?"

"Maybe this isn't the best place to go looking for a man that's good enough for you, Kit... But if you're looking for someone to spend the night with, I can help you there."

Avi suddenly came over to squeeze his arm tightly. "And how might you do that, Alexander?"

"I just meant I could set her up with someone." Alex smacked Avi's possessive arm off of him. "I didn't mean me, silly."

Kirstie smiled at him. "You're the best! Would you please?"

"Of course." Alex looked around the room. "He's one of Mario's roommates, and he helped me out in here so I know he's super nice. And he did mention having an ex-girlfriend, which means he's either straight or bi. Which means, he's almost exactly what you need."

"What's his name?"

"Kyle. And he's kinda cute, if I do say so myself."

Avi glared at him again, but didn't say anything.

Kirstie grabbed onto Alex's forearm. "Oh my gosh! Show me!"

Alex nodded wildly, and turned to do so, but he stopped. "Avi.. You wanna go with us?"

"Nah. I'll be here."

"By yourself?"


Alex frowned. "Are you sure you don't wanna--?"

"Alex. Go." He tried a different tone. "I'll be fine, babe."

Kirstie didn't give him another choice, as she pulled him away to find Kyle. 

After the game of beer pong, Scott grabbed Mitch in a tight hug. "Did'ja see that? I sorta won."

"I saw it, honey. You've always been good at this game, I don't know why you're so shocked."

Scott giggled, kissing Mitch's forehead in a sloppy way. "Where's my drink, baby?"

"You didn't hand it to me, Scottie. Did you leave it somewhere?"

"I don't know." Scott pouted. "Shoot..."

"We can grab another one, baby. Don't be upset."

Scott nodded, smiling at Mitch. "How could I ever be upset with you by my side?"

Mitch stared at him, and sighed almost longingly. "Aw, honey... You're so sweet."

Scott grinned, slipping his arms around Mitch's waist to pull their bodies completely against each other, before leaning down to kiss him once, before hugging him tightly. "No, you're sweet. Do you want something to drink too?"

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