Twenty Four

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As Mitch ate his food, he glanced up at Scott briefly. 

Scott was practically in a world of his own, based on how concentrated he was on his food. 

Mitch giggled lightly. "How is that, Scottie?"

Scott looked up quickly, with an expression like he'd just been caught doing something wrong. "Oh." The expression fell. "It's great. Wanna try some?" 

Mitch didn't bother saying no, because Scott was already offering him a small bite of steak. 

Mitch nodded in approval. "Damn, that's good."

"I know." Scott leaned forward a little, aiming for politeness. "And how's yours?"

Mitch nodded quickly, poking around his sandwich. "Also very good."

Scott took another bite of his own food, and his face changed again, realizing he had something to say to Mitch and now would be a good time to do so. "Hey, when do you get your class schedule..?"

"Uh... Probably not for a few weeks. Why?"

"I want a copy so I'll know where you're gonna be." He looked up suddenly. "I hope that doesn't make me seem clingy or controlling. I just wanna know, is all... Especially in a new school, where I won't be around to help you with anything."

"It's not controlling, babe. I know how you are. I'll get you a schedule as soon as I get it. And don't be uneasy about it, you know damn well that I'll text you all day."


"I promise, honey. I wouldn't want you to worry all day, so if shooting you a text every few hours is gonna make you feel better then I have no problem doing so."

Scott nodded slowly, looking back down at his food. "It would mean a lot to me if you did that... If it's not too much to ask. I'm really not trying to turn into Avi, but I'm just worried about you."

"I know, honey." Mitch set his food down to reach across the table and hold one of Scott's hands with both of his own. "Why are you worried?"

Scott stared at their hands, eyeing their rings pointedly. "I don't... I mean, I just don't want college to be like high school. And I know that Alex is perfectly capable of helping you if you ever needed it, and I'm definitely not saying that you're incompetent, I'm sure you could handle yourself and--"

"Baby, you're rambling." Mitch interrupted gently. He gave a small smile. "You don't have to explain yourself to me, babe. I understand your intentions."

"Yeah, but... I really do trust you, I promise. I'm only looking out for your safety."

"I understand, Scottie. But it's okay. I'll be safe. And the house is literally walking distance from the campus, so. If I needed something... You'd be there."

"Of course I would." Scott exhaled softly. "Yeah... I think it's gonna be okay. Just... Please promise me that you'll never hesitate to ask me for help? And.. And also promise that if I'm ever being overbearing, you'll tell me."

"Oh, I promise." Mitch giggled a little. "Won't ever hesitate to call you out on your bullshit."

Scott gave him a small smile. "Good. Always gotta challenge me."


Alex was laying on the couch now, checking his phone every few seconds out of anxiety. 

Avi walked back into the room,  a beer in his hand. "What the Hell are you doing..? Are you waiting for something?"

"No, I'm just checking the time. Kirstie should be back any second."

Avi nodded slowly, taking a seat on the floor in front of the couch so he wouldn't have to ask Alex to move. "She's gonna be fine, babe. Kyle seemed like a great guy."

"I know, but... But I just wanna make sure she's okay..."

"She's not answering your texts?"


"That's probably a good thing. She should only be texting on her date if it's going terribly."

"Oh... That's true. I just wanted to make sure, though."

"I'm not saying you did anything wrong, babe. I understand that you're worried about her."

Alex put his phone on the table, and sat up a little on the couch. "Hey, I can make room if you want to--"

Avi shook his head quickly, taking a sip of his beer. "I'm fine."

Alex moved forward a little, just to put his legs on either side of Avi's torso, with Avi still sitting on the ground. 

Alex kissed the top of Avi's head once, and put his hands on Avi's cheeks to tilt his head back a little so that their eyes would meet. "Sorry about earlier by the way..."

"Don't apologize for that. I'm just... Glad you told me to knock it off before I accidentally hurt you."

Alex took a deep breath, and let it out softly. "I should've told you I was uncomfortable from the get go, I just... I was scared you'd be mad at me... But maybe later, okay? If you still want to."

"I always want to when I'm around you, Xander. But yeah... It can wait."

Avi tipped his head back even further, resting the top of his head against Alex's lower stomach as he stared up at Alex's chin.

Alex quickly leaned away. "What a horrible angle for you to be looking at..."

"Oh please." Avi sat up again, and turned a little to look at him. "You're so dumb sometimes, Alex. Like... I know you're a genius, and were in the top five in high school... But sometimes, you're just dumb."

Alex frowned a little, and looked away from him. "I know... But I try not to be."

Avi set his beer on the table and started to stand up. "Watch out a sec."

Alex got out of his way quickly, scooting over to the other side of the couch. 

Avi then sat beside him, and grabbed his beer again. "Shit, I just realized we talked through like five minutes of this shit... Wanna go back a little?"

"Nah... I know how the movie goes. But I will if you want me to?"

Avi shook his head a little. "It's alright." He put his arm over the back of the couch, and Alex leaned into him to rest the side of his head on Avi's shoulder. 

Avi sipped his beer again, eyes on the movie now. 

Alex was watching him a little, and he sat up suddenly. "Can I have some of that?"

Avi offered it immediately, but then pulled it back. "Wait, I think Mitch is gonna be mad at me if I do... Only a little, okay?"

Alex nodded quickly, taking the glass bottle and taking a small sip of it, only to cringe a little at the taste. "Yikes."

Avi chuckled, taking it back forcefully. "Exactly. Not good for you. You seem like a white wine kinda guy."

"Maybe I am. Do we have any?"

"No... But we can go get some if you want. Or I can ask Scott to get some at the restaurant or something."

"No, no that's too much trouble. It's okay."

Avi shook his head slowly. "You always do that... It's not a big deal, Alex. I'll call him."

As soon as Avi held his phone in his hand, Alex grabbed it from him. "No, it's fine. Please don't. They're on a date, I don't wanna bug anybody."

Avi started to get up from the couch. "Fine. Then I'll just run out really quick and--"

"No, no." Alex grabbed Avi's wrist, having to lay on the couch partially to do so. "Please don't. It's not even a big deal."

"Yeah, I know. But I kinda wanna see you get a little tipsy, so..."

"We can do that some other time, though. Not..." He paused. "Oh... Well I guess it's late enough..."

"See? And this is much better than us going out and drinking in some sketchy bar or club or whatever."

"Well yeah, but--"

"No buts. Are you coming with me or not?"


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