Eighty Nine

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Scott now sat at the desk in the corner of the room. 

He'd tossed on a pair of sweatpants, as he hunched over the desk to stare at Alex's laptop, which had one of his assignments pulled up on the screen. 

Scott had this horrible habit of ignoring his hair when he had showered, and allowing his wet hair to fall into his forehead and drip down his face. 

Mitch didn't understand how he could stand it; how annoying it might be. But Scott was hardly bothered by it.

Mitch glanced at him, after slipping on some underwear and a large sweatshirt. He walked over slowly, and slid his hands down Scott's chest and set his head on Scott's shoulder, to look at the screen on the desk. "Alex left his shit up again, huh?"

Scott just hummed. "I'm always just curious... You're both so smart."

Mitch giggled softly. "I already sucked your dick, you don't have to kiss up anymore." He turned his head just enough to kiss the side of Scott's head. "Remember in high school.. You used to call those blowies?"

Scott smirked, keeping his eyes facing forward. "Yeah, yeah, make fun of me all you want."

"That's what marriage is all about, baby." Mitch giggled again, locking his hands on top of Scott's stomach. "Did you read Alex's essay? Was it interesting?"

"Hard to understand. Some kind of biological theory I think? My vocabulary isn't that extensive."

Mitch tipped his head down to press another kiss to Scott's shoulder. "Gross, biology is no fun." He finally decided he couldn't stand it, and reached up to push Scott's hair off of his forehead. 

Scott allowed it, and then leaned back enough to lean against Mitch's body. "So... Anything else we should attend to before the others get out of the shower?"

Mitch grinned, leaning away from Scott. "Nope."

Scott stood from the chair, and walked past it just to step in front of Mitch. "Are you sure?"

Mitch nodded, placing his hands onto Scott's biceps as they stood incredibly close to each other. "I'm sure... I'm just a little tired... Not really in the mood."

Scott glanced down at Mitch's hands on his arms. "That's totally fine, just.. If you're sure? I feel a little guilty about... Not returning the favor."

"You don't have to feel guilty about that, that's silly. Let's just lay down?"

Scott nodded, and leaned down to kiss him once. "Of course."

Mitch walked away just to lay down, and have Scott follow him. 

When Scott laid down beside him, Mitch was quick to turn onto his side to face him. "Hey, I gotta say something to you. You don't have to do everything that Avi tells you. I know you were both super badass in high school, but you don't have to be the same person, okay?"

"I know that, just... It's fun to be impulsive sometimes. Avi and I haven't changed much since high school, Mitch."

"But... You're different now, babe. Our relationship has developed, and so have you."

Scott laid flat on his back, one of his hands over his stomach. "Yeah, but... You don't want me to be the same that I was? Is that what you're telling me?"

"It's not about what I want, baby. I just need you to know that it's okay for you not to follow Avi's every impulse. But it's also okay if you do, y'know? I just... I hated that even after your ass nearly froze to death, you still hardly hesitated to follow when he asked if you wanted to jump in the water again."

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