Twenty Six

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Scott and Mitch waited on the couch for Avi to get home, while Kirstie and Alex slept in the back room. 

By the time Avi came back, Mitch was asleep on Scott's shoulder. 

Scott held a finger to his lips, so Avi would know not to speak loudly. Scott then cleared his throat softly. "Where the Hell have you been?"

"Alex started getting tipsy, and he wanted something from the Mexican restaurant down town. I told him to stay with Kirstie, and I'd be right back."

"He and Kirstie are sleeping now... I don't think you should wake him up."

"He shouldn't have had so much alcohol on an empty stomach. He's gonna get sick." Avi shook his head and walked down the hall, to-go box in his hand. "I'm gonna wake him up."

"Get him a water bottle too, then."

"Yeah, yeah. I know how it works."

Mitch blinked himself awake slowly, looking up at Scott. "What's..? What's going on?"

"Nothing, babe... Avi came back. Go to sleep."

Mitch shook his head slowly, his arm out and over Scott's lap. "No... Wanna hang out with you."

"It's okay, babe." Scott reached out to grab the remote and turn the television off. "Let's go to bed."

Mitch whined in protest, but didn't say anything.

Scott helped him up, before walking over to lock the door that Avi had just come through, and then turning back to look at how exhausted Mitch was. 

Mitch just stood, rubbing one of his eyes as if he were barely even present. 

Scott walked over to him, putting a hand on Mitch's back as he fixed the bottom hem of Mitch's shirt, which had come up while he was sleeping. "Feelin' alright, Cutie?"

Mitch grinned tiredly. "You haven't called me that in a while."

"Yeah, well... That was my nickname for you when I was kinda a fuck boy. But here we are."

Mitch giggled, leaning into him. "You're still a fuck boy."

He scoffed. "I'm an engaged man, how dare you?"

Mitch giggled again, looking up at him. "You are?"

"Does that surprise you?" Scott paused. "I mean... It surprises me too. My wife is gorgeous, and I certainly don't deserve him."

Mitch kept staring at him. "Of course you deserve him, don't be silly."


Avi shook Alex's shoulder gently. "Lex... Hey, wake up, babe."

Alex looked up at him tiredly. "Oh... You're back."

"Shh, let me help you up. We can talk about this in our room."

Alex wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, but for Avi, he obeyed. He got up slowly, Avi's hand finding Alex's bicep to help him stand. 

Alex smiled at him. "Missed you... So much."

Avi helped him walk out of the room, sparing Kirstie a glance to be sure he hadn't woken her. He spoke again once they were in the hall, and the door was shut softly behind them. "I brought you some food, and I think you should drink some water before you turn in for the night."

Alex only nodded. "Sure..."

Avi could tell he wasn't really listening, because when they headed toward the kitchen, Alex looked confused. 

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