Hundred Twenty Seven

499 42 13

Scott went into the kitchen, deciding to give himself some purpose and cook for the two geniuses sitting at the table. 

Alex had moved enough of his things for Mitch to sit down in front of him to get some homework done. 

Mitch luckily didn't need much space, as he was writing an essay on his laptop.

It was mostly quiet, aside from Mitch's soft typing, and the occasional moment when Alex would go digging through papers to find something specific. 

Kirstie walked into the house, phone pressed to her ear. She grinned at the others and waved, as she continued her conversation while she walked away. 

Alex had waved back, before hunching himself back over his notes. 

Mitch suddenly paused, and looked up at Alex over the screen of his computer. "Babe? What's that thermodynamic thing that's like.. The change that occurs at a constant temperature?"

Scott glanced up, and then quickly looked back down at the small tomatoes he was slicing. 

Alex only hummed, not looking up from his paper. "Uh.. Are you talking about something isothermal?"

 Mitch quickly typed the word out. "Yes, thank God. I thought I'd never figure it out."

Alex just smiled, and continued scanning his paper of neurotransmitters. 

Scott suddenly spoke softly. "Sorry if I'm bothering... Alex, is it okay if I put mozzarella in your salad?"

"That's fine." Alex turned to face him. "I didn't know you were making me one too, that's sweet of you."

Scott just shrugged and looked down at what he was doing. He figured it was the least he could do, considering he's the weak link in the household.

Mitch suddenly asked. "Did you use the virgin olive oil instead of the regular? Because if not, Alex will have a fit."

Alex quickly snapped. "No I won't, it's just a preference."

"He's a liar." Mitch immediately responded. 

Scott just grinned. "Yes I did, Mitchie. Extra virgin. And I only laughed for a second."

Mitch smiled right back at him. "As expected."


Avi came home, and practically dragged Alex out of the house, he was so excited. 

Alex got ready quickly, having been studying so long he forgot to do so earlier. 

It was certainly less than ten minutes, and then the two left the house together, hand in hand. 

Mitch was hardly phased, as he continued typing away on his laptop. He'd finished several assignments, using Alex's presence as motivation to get more work done since Alex was doing the same. 

Scott had made them lunch, and then cleaned up when they were done. 

Which is why he was currently standing in front of the sink, washing a few dishes. 

Mitch waited for Alex and Avi to be gone, before he stood up and walked over to stand behind Scott. 

He slid his hands from Scott's elbows to his upper arms, before giving a light squeeze to his biceps. Mitch rested his forehead against Scott's back. "Thank you for the food, baby."

Scott only hummed, his actions slowed a little because of where Mitch was holding his arms. "You're welcome."

Mitch dropped his hands down to Scott's waist, only to wrap around and hug his lower hips. "I'm sorry I've been making you feel inferior, you know that's never my intention."

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