Hundred Twenty Six

420 38 13

As Mitch left his last class, he had two texts from Scott.

Scottie Bear-

home from work and ur not here :(

i cant figure ur school out wtf where r u

Mitch was quick to text him back with the name of the building he was leaving. He walked out the two doors, still typing.

With his head down, he accidentally bumped into somebody, who was quick to grab his arm to stabilize him.

Just as Mitch looked up to apologize, he was met with wild blonde hair and the blue eyes he fell in love with. Mitch smiled up at him. "Hey, sorry. My bad."

Scott made sure that they were out of the way of other students walking out of their classes, as he took a few steps back and pulled Mitch with him. "You shouldn't walk like that, not looking where you're going."

"I know, I'm sorry." Mitch responded honestly.

Scott gently placed a hand on the side of Mitch's face, gently tracing over Mitch's lips with his thumb. "I think I can forgive you."

Mitch stared up at him, before letting his own hand come up from his side to gently pull Scott's hand away from his face. "Thanks."

Scott realized what was happening, remembering where they were. He took a small step back to give Mitch a grin, so Mitch would know he wasn't offended at all. He reached a hand out. "Can I take your bag for you, babe?"

Mitch wasn't one to deny pampering, so he slid it from his shoulder to pass off. "Thank you... Did you walk here?"

"Yeah. Alex and Avi were like, hardcore making out while Avi was trying to leave for work. So I just dipped out, and figured I'd try to enjoy the outdoors for once."

Mitch giggled, walking beside Scott as they walked toward the edge of campus. "Good for them. They've been having a rough time recently."

"Yeah, I know. Avi keeps asking me for advice." Scott didn't continue, or elaborate at all.

Mitch looked down at his feet. "You don't think... Something bad is gonna happen between them?"

"Considering what I saw before I left? No."

"No, silly... Considering all the other shit that's been going on between them."

"Oh." Scott took a moment to really think about that. "I'm not sure."

Mitch just hummed, not responding to that.

Scott suddenly pulled his phone out of his pocket to check, but he quickly put it back into his pocket without typing out a response.

Mitch couldn't help but grin. "Considering how quickly you blushed and then put that away, I'm gonna assume that was Avi."

"The response your describing was actually a result of seeing two different texts, but yes one of them was Avi."

"Let me guess. Texting you about how phenomenal Alex is in bed."

"Bold of you to assume he'd use a word that big. But yes, that's the gist of it."

Mitch giggled, looking up at him. "He's like a little kid sometimes."

"Yeah, well... He doesn't get excited about lots of stuff, so I just let him run with it."

"Wait, you said two texts. Who was the other one from?"


"The fuck? Why does everyone text you more than me? I'm so upset."

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