Hundred Fourteen

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The next morning, Avi woke up to a call from his mother.

Avi was quick to rush into Scott and Mitch's room, shoving Scott awake. "Dude, this is Threat Level Midnight, get the fuck up."

Scott sat up quickly. "Midnight? Damn."

"Mom called about fuck face. Sounds like he's on his way."

He sat up even taller, the blanket falling around his naked hips. "What?"

Mitch woke up a little, looking at them tiredly. "What's going on, baby?" He sat up a little more to pull the comforter up higher on Scott's body, knowing he was naked underneath.

Scott was just staring at Avi. "I can't believe this is my life. Do you think we can teach Alex to fight? So there's three of us to kick his ass?"

"Alex can fight, I'm sure of it. But we don't have to fight, Scottie, we have no reason to let him in the house at all."

Mitch pulled the comforter up on Scott's body again, not liking the way it was falling too low on Scott's hips. "Did he say why he was coming?"

Avi frowned. "He probably wants money. He's done that before."

Scott sighed loudly. "Yeah. He tried to kick my ass that time too."

He tried to stand from the bed, but Mitch grabbed his arm quickly. Mitch tried to remind him. "Babe, unless you want Avi to get an eyefull..."

Avi waved a hand at him. "Seen it. Not impressed."

Mitch glared. "Not the point."

Kirstie suddenly walked in the room, knocking on the door once. "Hey, Avi...? Allie's asking for you."

Mitch held onto Scott's arm even tighter, not wanting him to get up until people left.

Avi turned to face Kirstie. "Why can't he come get me..? Is everything okay?"

Alex suddenly appeared behind Kirstie with a smile. "Everything's fine, handsome. I just had a quick question, but it can wait."

Scott let his hands rest in his lap, looking down. "I guess... I should talk to you guys, since everyone's here. Unless anyone's busy?"

Mitch held onto the blanket even tighter. "Baby, can it wait a few minutes? I'd like to get some clothes on, since everyone's hanging out in here."

Alex was the first to speak, in a hurry. "Oh, sorry! We totally barged in, sorry Mitchie."

Avi walked toward the door, pushing the others out with him. "Let us know when it's all clear."


Now that everyone was clothed, they all gathered in the room. 

Alex and Mitch sat on the bed, with their backs resting against the headboard. Alex tossed his arm over Mitch's shoulders, and leaned over to whisper to him with a grin. "Love you, Mitchie."

Kirstie sat at the foot of the bed, facing Scott who was pacing in front of everyone. 

Avi sighed, and leaned against a wall off to the side of where the others were. "It's just us, Scott. We're here to support you."

Alex quickly added. "And protect you."

Scott glanced between the both of them quickly. "I... I know. I just... I dragged you and Kirstie to that thing with my parents once, and I felt awful that I involved you guys in all my garbage."

Kirstie smiled. "It's what friends do, Scottie. We're all happy to help, if you need us."

Scott turned to face Avi, giving him a look of helplessness. 

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