Sixty Four

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Scott did end up going with them.

He didn't speak up very much, but once they arrived at the school, he left Avi to keep the car running as he followed Mitch into the school.

According to Alex, Kirstie had decided to go with Kyle and all of his friends to school, because her class wasn't until later.

Which seemed weird to Scott, because he felt like he hadn't even seen her for a while.

Scott then followed the two boys silently before Alex walked into his classroom and Mitch continued on to find his own.

Mitch glanced back at Scott. "I wish you were in my class again... That would be nice."

"I would just distract you." He mumbled.

"And who's gonna walk me to my next class?"

"I thought your next class wasn't until four?"

"It's not." He paused. "Are you gonna pick me up before then..?"

"I can if you want me to."

"Yes please."

Mitch stopped at his classroom, and then turned to face Scott. "So here it is... I'll see you later?"

Scott nodded once, and began to walk away. "Have fun, baby."

Mitch looked up at him. "You're not gonna kiss me?"

"Want you to make sure this is a safe environment to express yourself that way... Especially because I won't be around to beat up every dumb fuck that says something ignorant to you."

"But Scottie..." Mitch whined at him. "I don't care what people think."

"But your safety is what's most important." He argued. "Please, baby..? Just make sure it's safe.."

Mitch sighed, unable to decide if he was upset or not. "Okay, fine... Are you sure about this whole phone thing? It seems like a hassle."

"My phone has essentially everything that yours has, so.. It won't be a big deal. And if anyone important texts or calls your phone, I'll let you know."

Mitch just nodded, glancing at the classroom he was about to walk in to. "I wish Alex was gonna be in here with me.."

"I'm sure you do, baby... Want me to stick around? I can sit with you so you're not as anxious."

"That's sweet of you, honey. But I think I'll be okay. I'll text you if I need anything."

Scott couldn't help but smile, giving Mitch a quick hug. "I'm proud of you for being so brave."

The thought of Mitch walking into a room of a few hundred strangers, only reminded Scott of the day Mitch had a panic attack at the concert they'd gone to. But here Mitch was, being courageous enough to walk into the room by himself.

Mitch hugged him back. "Thank you." He pulled away quickly. "Alright, I'd better get going. So, you'll pick me up?"



Now sitting at home, Avi and Scott hung out and watched a television show.

Avi glanced over once. "Should we be... Cleaning or something? What do housewives do?"

Scott only shrugged. "I already cleaned Mitch and I's room... I guess I can do the kitchen, if you're really trying to show them that we're their bitches."

Avi laughed a little. "Yeah, go do that. I'll go clean down the hall... Is there laundry..?"

"I can honestly say I don't know. Mitch usually does it."

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