Ninety Nine

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Alex hopped up from his seat when the barista called Avi's name, walking over to grab the coffee Avi had ordered.

He sat down again, setting the coffee in front of Avi, as he sat in front of his own cup of tea. He looked down to his stomach, adjusting his shirt a few times to fit him better.

Avi caught him, and leaned forward to speak softly. "You look gorgeous. Stop messing with it."

Alex looked up quickly. "Sorry, I..." He didn't have an excuse, so he didn't bother. "I want you to know that I'm not mad at you."

Avi took a short sip of his coffee. "That's reassuring. You know, you don't ever have to tip toe around me, babe. Just talk to me."

Alex took a long pause, staring down at his drink. "I just don't want to complain. I, I mean these last few months living with everyone... It's been so wonderful. I just.. I feel like you and I are at a stand still in our relationship."

"How so?"

Alex slowly slid his hand across the table, feeling uncomfortable but wanting to make sure Avi wasn't feeling the same. "I just.. I don't want you to think I'm attacking you. I just... Sometimes I don't feel like..."

Avi reached out to take his hand, letting them relax on top of the table. "Say it. Go ahead."

"I know that you're not great at saying how you feel. I just... Wish you could communicate a little better. I never feel like I have a good understanding of how you feel about me."

"Oh." Avi was a little shocked by that. "Oh... I'm... Shit, I'm sorry, I'm the worst fucking boyfriend."

Alex looked down at his tea again, taking a sip of it so he had an extra second to gather his thoughts. "I just... I'm sorry, I just..."

"Don't be sorry, Alex." He shook his head and looked down. "You don't have to be sorry for that, fuck... You just deserve so much, and it's hard to... Y'know?"

Alex shook his head. No, he certainly didn't understand. 

Avi looked at him, with a mix of shock and fond on his face. "You just have no idea how absolutely perfect I think you are. You have no idea how hard it is to even pretend to be in your league."


Mitch was holding a bunch of asparagus, handing it to Scott to put in their basket. "You don't think they're gonna break up, do you?"

"Oh Hell no. There's no way Avi's gonna let a boy like that slip through his fingers."

"I don't know about that, babe. Avi thinks he deserves a lot less."

Scott frowned. "Aw, don't say that..."

"Sorry." He shrugged, and began to walk toward the salmon he was gonna purchase for dinner. "I just worry for them. I want everyone to be happy."

Scott followed him slowly. "Hey, Mitchie?"

"Yeah babe?" Mitch responded quickly, not turning around. 

"You're happy, right?"

"Happiest I've ever been in my life." He responded, without missing a beat.

"Oh good. And you'd tell me if you weren't?"

Mitch giggled at him, but kept walking. "Well the sex could be a little better, I guess."

Scott huffed, and reached out to grab Mitch's wrist. "Okay, ouch. Rude."

"You asked for my opinion, so."

"You can't just say that, you know I hate that."

"Do I know that?"

"Yes! I get upset every time you say that."

"Allow me to move on to my next complaint then." Mitch finally stopped in front of the fresh seafood section, glancing around, still not giving Scott any focus. "Your kissing is sloppy."

"Oh is it? Since when?"

"Pretty much always. Feels like I'm drowning when we're making out."

"What the fuck?"

"Next complaint. Your jeans are too tight, trying to show off an ass you don't have."

"Oh my God! That's so rude."

"I call it like I see it."

"I'm like, the king of squats." Scott snapped, glancing up to finally notice that there was a person standing in front of them, trying to offer Mitch some help with the seafood. 

Mitch just giggled. "I need four of those salmon, please."


Avi had finished his coffee, and was just sitting in front of Alex, holding his hand tightly.

They weren't speaking for the moment, just enjoying each other's company. 

Alex finally spoke up, softly. "I don't want to lose you, handsome... That's what it comes down to."

"You're not losing me. I'm just... Doing a shit job."

"No you aren't... I know your personality well enough to know how you behave. I just.. I want to make sure sometimes, because you're not so easy to read."

"I'll do better, Alex. I will, okay? For you."

Alex smiled, and then spoke softly again. "Okay, deal. As long as you promise you'll stop saying my name like that." He chuckled a little to himself. "Not used to hearing my name."

Avi grinned. "Everyone's got a nickname for ya, huh?"

Avi's phone went off on the table, and Alex glanced at it, only to laugh. Alex picked the phone up quickly. "Avi, I have a serious question for you."

"That doesn't sound serious, but okay."

Alex looked up, wanting to make eye contact when he asked. "In your personal opinion, does Scott have pancake butt?"


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