Ninety Two

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Avi just scoffed. "I really don't wanna see him right now, Lex. I'm exhausted and not in the mood for--"

"I know, but..." Alex shrugged, and walked over to sit on the edge of their bed. "I think it's fair. I mean, we excluded her from our weekend thing, and I know Kyle wants to be a part of our weird ass group, and--"

"You want him to be here? You're comfortable with it?" Avi asked, wearing only a pair of jeans as he continued to put clothes away from his overnight bag. 

"Sure. He's learning how to work with our messy group dynamic, what not to do in front of Scott and what not to say to me, and... Kirstie really likes him. That's what's important."

"Okay fine. If you're comfortable with it, then I'm comfortable with it." Avi responded monotonously, before turning to reach into his closet and grabbing a shirt to wear. 

Alex stood up, and walked over to stand behind him. He leaned forward to wrap his arms around Avi's midsection and pressed a kiss to the side of Avi's head. "Thank you. I appreciate how understanding you're being."

Avi just shrugged, hating when Alex made him feel physically small. "Yeah."

Alex stepped back quickly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to--" He shook his head once. "Sorry."

Avi shrugged again, better at showing his affections through actions rather than words, as always.

He reached into the closet and pulled out one of Alex's old jerseys from his high school team, before slipping it over his body. 

Alex watched him, and couldn't help but smile at how it rested on Avi's shoulders without touching any other part of his body, because Avi was less broad that Alex was. 

Alex placed a hand on Avi's upper back. "Hey babe..? Can I kiss you right now?"

Avi rolled his eyes and turned to face him. "What kind of stupid ass question--?"

Alex interrupted him with a kiss, knowing that was the way to diffuse his attitude. 


Kirstie was excited when she was told to call Kyle and invite him over. She made sure the oven was off after Alex had left it, before she skipped out of the room.

When she left the kitchen, Scott hummed into Mitch's ear. He was still standing between Mitch's knees, from where Mitch was seated on the kitchen counter. 

Mitch hummed back, softly. He grinned, before speaking to Scott without moving apart. "What was that for..? Are you being sentimental?"

Scott leaned back to meet his eyes, briefly glancing down at Mitch's shirt. "Baby, will you change your shirt when Kyle gets here..?"

Mitch looked down, genuinely forgetting what he was wearing. "Oh... Why?"

"I'm not being... Overbearing, I hope. I just... I've learned to accept it when it's in front of our friends, but I'm not quite there for people outside the house..."

"I know that, but what about this shirt is so bad?"

Scott huffed, leaning back a little more to grab both of Mitch's wrists and pull his arms above his head. Stretching his torso out gently allowed for the shirt to raise and reveal Mitch's entire stomach.

"Ohh." Mitch giggled at himself, forgetting how many crop tops he'd gotten for himself. "Sorry, I literally forgot... I just wear them so you'll think I'm sexy and then I forget when I'm around other people."

"Mitchie, baby." Scott gently let go of Mitch's arms, moving his hands to Mitch's revealed stomach. "Not a moment passes that I don't think you're sexy. Don't apologize for it."

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