Eighty Six

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Alex tried on another sweater. "What about blue?"

"Blue is also fine, Lex." Avi answered in the same monotone voice, standing in front of Alex in the confines of the small dressing room.

"But did we like the green better?"

"We? Are you referring to the two of us, we? Or the voices in your head, we? Or we, as a country? We the people--?"

"Okay, I get it, asshole. Never mind." He pouted and turned around to take the sweater off. "Didn't want your stupid opinion anyway."

Avi rolled his eyes, knowing Alex couldn't see him. They were at the point in their relationship where Avi felt he was allowed to do this, but only if he followed the action with comfort. 

He stepped forward to slide his hands around Alex's hips and onto his stomach, pressing his forehead to Alex's back. "I have a hard time choosing colors on you, because I think you look amazing in everything you wear."

Alex kept his head down, but didn't reach out to grab his original shirt to put on; not yet. Whenever Avi was in a good enough mood to be cuddly, Alex had learned to take advantage of each second of it. "I just wanted a second opinion."

"And my opinion is; pick whatever makes you feel the best. I want you to be more confident in your clothing, and the only way to do that is to put your opinion of yourself above all else."

"As much as I support that theory of yours.. Sometimes I want to feel like I'm sexy in your eyes. I want to wear things that I know will make you step a little closer to me in public, and like... Do that possessive thing with your hand in my pocket. Y'know?"

Avi pulled away just enough to use the grip on Alex's hips to turn him slightly, wanting to see his face. "Lex, I'll do that whenever you want. I just don't ever want you to feel suffocated by me, that's all."

Alex shrugged and looked away, reaching down to grab his own shirt and slip it back onto his body, leaving all the sweaters in a strange pile on the bench. "I'm glad that we're mature enough to have this conversation, just... It's just nice to feel wanted sometimes."

Avi almost appeared offended by that. "Okay, now you're being a little over the top. You're always wanted, Alex. There's not a single moment that passes that I don't want you; however you'll have me."

Alex sighed, and looked down at his hands. "Sorry, this is a silly argument to have in public. We can talk about it later."

Avi reached out to grab one of Alex's hands. "Fine. Later, then." Another thing he'd learned; Alex tends to downplay how he feels about things, but he always at the very least mentions them. 

So all Avi had to do was listen carefully, and then give Alex everything he wants. Because he deserves that.

Alex began to step out of the dressing room, turning the door handle and opening it. 

Before he could take more than a step out, Avi spoke quickly. "I like the blue one."

Alex froze, and turned his head quickly to meet Avi's smirk. "Really?" A pause. "Me too."


Mitch had already done the browsing for himself, and was now searching around for clothes for Scott.

Scott was on his heels the whole time of course, so all Mitch had to do was turn and hold up a shirt against Scott's chest to judge it, before either tossing it back down or keeping it in his hands.

Scott didn't make a fuss about it. Mitch did this all the time.

Scott only participated in it so he could spend some extra time with Mitch. "You look really hot right now, by the way."

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