Hundred Thirty One

459 43 8


I'm having too much fun haha

This is based (partially) off of some real life mess I've witnessed in college lmaooo everyone please drink responsibly


Alex started running a hand up and down Kirstie's back, his eyes wide with concern.

Kirstie continued, leaning into Alex's body a little more. "I was gonna call you to come get me, but.. He was so mad. I went and found one of his roommates, and he drove me home instead."

Mitch placed his hand on top of Scott's, on his leg. "Oh honey... I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"

"Just... Still feeling kinda scared. I left all my stuff there, because I was in a hurry to get back."

Avi spoke up for the first time. "I can go back and get it. Don't worry about it."


They were awake way past midnight, still sitting outside drinking with each other. 

Kirstie didn't want to talk about what had happened any more than she already had, and asked that she could just join the game so she could stop thinking about it. 

Mitch was trying to stay a little more sober than the rest of them, because they were all a little far past just being sloppy drunks. 

He wondered what it was about his friend group that made them all horny and stupid, but he just decided to laugh it off and watch their train wreck, making sure nobody got too drunk. 

Mitch wished he wasn't the only one that was going to remember all of this though, because he'd seen Avi give Scott a hickey, and was currently watching Alex and Kirstie make out. 

Mitch's jaw dropped open when Kirstie said the dare out loud, and Alex immediately turned to Avi to make sure it was okay. 

Avi just waved him off, and took another shot of vodka (now a different bottle by the way because they'd literally finished one.)

Which led Kirstie to shrug from her seat in Alex's lap, and put one hand on each side of Alex's face to give him a sloppy kiss on the mouth. 

Mitch couldn't believe what he was seeing, and he was so mad that he was the only one that would remember it tomorrow. 

Avi finally leaned over to smack the side of Alex's thigh, probably harder than he'd meant to. "That's enough, Romeo."

Alex immediately pulled away, but his lips were already two shades of red darker, as he now wore some of Kirstie's lipstick. "Sorry."

"Is it a thing that gay men kiss differently than straight men?" Kirstie wondered out loud. "Because I think yes."

Scott spoke, taking a sip of vodka straight from the bottle. "For sure."

Kirstie suddenly giggled and pointed at him. "I wanna kiss you next. I pick you, Pikachu!"

Scott didn't even need to look at Mitch to know to shake his head. "Nuh uh. Can't."

Mitch leaned over to put a hand on Scott's knee, sitting in the chair beside him. "It's okay, baby, it's just a dare."

Scott turned to him and pouted. "Don't wanna."

Alex raised a hand. "Actually I think it's my turn anyway, Kirstie is trying to double dip. So!" He turned his big, lipstick covered smile to Mitch. "Truth or dare, Mitchie?"

"I'm a little afraid. Uh, truth."

"If you had to do the do with somebody sitting here right now, that's not Scott, who would it be?"

Mitch scoffed at him. "You, obviously."

Alex's face lit up. "What?! Really?!"

"Not so loud, honey. Neighbors. But yeah, duh. You're my hot, nerdy, best friend."

Alex was grinning widely now. "Wow, that's so nice."

Mitch just shook his head slowly, and looked to Scott. "So truth or dare, Pikachu?"

Scott took another sip of vodka, without any prompting. "For you, I'd do anything." He blinked slowly. "Dare."

"I dare you not to take another sip of alcohol until you've had a glass of water." 

Scott's jaw dropped. "That's like the meanest thing you've ever said to me. How could you?"

Mitch leaned over to kiss him once. "You'll thank me later, sweetheart."


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