Hundred Thirteen

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Scott took a seat on top of the dining room table, rather than in a chair.

Alex was sat in a chair in front of him, having cleaned out the wound on his hand.

Mitch was holding Scott's other hand tightly. "I'm so sorry, honey... He's an absolute psycho, it's not your fault he's crazy."

Scott just shook his head. "I'm fuckin' pissed, Mitch. I can't believe they let him walk."

Avi just hummed, leaning on the door frame of the room to watch them from a distance. "Yeah well. Rich people always get what they want, so."

Alex suddenly looked up at Scott. "I know you don't want to hear this, but I think you need stitches."

Mitch frowned. "Oh, Scottie... You poor thing. I'll drive you."

Avi spoke up quietly again. "Pretty sure he's gotten stitches into that specific hand like. Four times."

Scott finally looked up, looking past Alex to see Avi. "What am I gonna do? He's gonna harass your mom for an address, and then he's gonna show up here."

Avi stepped into the room, to put his hand on Alex's shoulder. "Babe, my time has come. I'm going to prison for murder."

Scott reached out to smack his hand. "Avi. Come on. I'm being serious."

"Yeah well, so am I." Avi shrugged. "I can call my mom and tell her not to answer, or to give a fake address."

Alex spoke then, even softer. "Sounds like he might've already called her, given the time it took you to drive here and explain the situation."

Scott frowned again, looking to Mitch this time. "What do I do, Mitchie?" He spoke so softly, it almost broke Mitch's heart to hear him so upset.

Mitch reached out to put a hand on his leg. "It's okay, babe. I won't let him near you. Even if he finds the house, we can still keep you two apart."

"Okay." Scott responded, just as softly.

Alex stood up. "But first, we gotta get you to the hospital."


Avi had politely asked for a few moments alone with Scott, after they'd arrived back from the hospital.

Scott sat on the porch step, cradling his hurt hand to his chest.

Before walking away, Mitch leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Did they prescribe you any medication?"

"No. Didn't need any."

"Okay. I'll grab you a beer then, okay?"

Scott grinned up at him. "Ugh, yes. Love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart." Mitch responded softly, before walking inside the house. Alex followed him without a word.

Avi sighed, sitting directly beside him and staring out across the street. "Are you alright, kid?"

"I'm fine. Less pissed off now. Just... Mostly scared."

"Scared?" Avi glanced over at him. "Why?"

"I.. I don't know. I haven't been scared of him in a long time. I mean... I was terrified at first, and then when I was big enough to fight back, it wasn't so bad. But. I guess it's been a while since I've been physically aggressive, and.. I don't know."

Avi was silent for a few moments. He took a deep breath, and then bumped his shoulder against Scott's. "Come on, dude. You know I'd never let anything happen to you."

A small smile appeared on Scott's face, but it fell quickly. "I just don't want anybody to get hurt. I... I haven't had to think about him in a long time, and... I thought I was over it but..."

"Scottie. You don't have to, y'know. Go around the subject. Just talk to me." Avi placed a hand on the center of Scott's back. "It's me, dude."

Scott leaned into him slightly, needing the support. "Sorry... Bad with words. I'm just... Not liking the invasive thoughts that he's putting in my head right now."

"You feelin' like you felt when we were kids?"

"Yeah, kinda. But isn't that dumb? I learned how to fight. I shouldn't be scared anymore... I feel stupid."

"You're not stupid. He ruined your childhood, man. He like... Traumatized you. You don't have to feel bad for that. You've been working so hard to move on from all that shit, and he keeps coming back to fuck you up. It's cruel, and super unfair."

Mitch walked back onto the porch. "Is it okay if I come back? I'm pacing the kitchen doing 'the Worried Boyfriend.' Also I brought beer."


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