Sixty One (re-upload)

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I keep seeing that some of y'all can't see this chapter
(probably bc I posted in the middle of the Wattpad Mess bc I was too impatient to wait for the storm to pass)

But here it is once more just in case you missed it

I really hope this fixes it y'all, sorry about all of this. You guys deserve better :/


Scott put an arm over Mitch's shoulders as they walked down the driveway of Bella's home. "You alright, babe?"

He nodded once, but pushed Scott's arm off of him. "I'm fine... I just feel--"

Bella suddenly came rushing out, chasing after them. "Wait, Scott!"

Scott jumped at the initial sound of her voice, but turned slowly. "Yeah?"

"I didn't realize you guys were leaving. You didn't even say goodbye."

Scott cringed a little. "Oh, right... Sorry, Mitch and Angela had an argument and I just wanted to get him out of there as soon as possible."

"I understand." She responded with a smile. "Hey, while I'm out here... Can I talk to you really quick in private?"

"I really need to get him home, Bella..."

"No, I know. I'll be quick."

"Can he stay..?"

"I suppose. I just didn't want him to be uncomfortable."

Mitch didn't even speak, he just kept his eyes on the ground while he thought about Angela.

Scott only shrugged. "I think he's fine."

Bella smiled a little, and reached out to grab one of Scott's hands. "So... I feel like I keep getting robbed of time to spend with you. You keep showing up, and then having to leave. So I was hoping maybe we could go out sometime?"

Scott looked to Mitch immediately. "Oh, um... I don't know, um.. I'm kind of a busy person..."

Mitch decided to save him. "Sorry, Bella. He hasn't been on a first date in a long time... I think he's just nervous."

Bella squeezed Scott's hand. "Aw, honey, don't be nervous. It's--"

"I'll think about it and get back to you." Scott rushed out, dropping her hand. "Thanks for inviting us in today, I'll see you some other time."


In the car, Scott was pouting. "How long do I have to keep this shit up, Mitch? It feels so wrong, and I feel like shit every time she talks to me."

Mitch just shrugged. "Doesn't matter now, I guess..."

"Why's that, babe?"

"We're never going to see them again, if I can help it."

"But why? Honestly, Mitch it's not your fault. Nobody ever remembers people from high school."

"I just feel bad... I didn't think anybody noticed me."

"Well she obviously did. I just can't believe she's been hanging onto it this long."

"But why..? All I did was sit next to her. She said so herself, I always chose Alex over her so why would she bother..?"

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