Hundred Eighteen

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So now the game had changed. 

Now Mitch and Scott were going through Alex's sexy Instagram page. Mitch had pulled out his laptop, to make the images larger as a joke. 

Alex was still trying to study at the table, burying his face in his hands. 

Avi thought it was hilarious though, and he raced to his room to grab an HDMI chord, to connect the laptop to the television so that the images could be displayed on their large television screen. 

Which now led them to all sit beside each other on the couch, Avi cradling a bowl of popcorn in his arms. 

Avi couldn't help but hope. "God, this'll be weird... I hope I don't get a boner from this."

Scott leaned toward him. "I'm definitely gonna get a boner from this."

Mitch leaned with him. "Same."

Alex's face couldn't get more red. "Oh my God."

Mitch scrolled down the feed, to pause on the next picture, which happened to be a black and white picture of Alex in a suit that was unbuttoned. 

Avi slapped a hand over his heart. "God damn, look at that sexy devil. Alexander, I hope you still have that suit."

Scott shook his head slowly, throwing his arm over Mitch's shoulders. "I am amazed that this man is even real."

Mitch giggled, as he moved to the next picture. He immediately laughed upon seeing it. "I took this one! Guys, this one's mine, you're welcome for my art."

Scott's jaw dropped, at the sight of Alex in only a towel. "You're kidding. Did you do like four thousand sit ups before this was taken?"

Alex glanced up curiously, and then covered his eyes. "I can't do this-- Guys, can you please stop? I'm so embarrassed."

Avi was quick to respond. "Your gonna show the whole world what your entire body looks like, and I'm not allowed to show all your friends?"

Mitch ignored them and kept scrolling, finally landing on the one he was waiting for, in which Alex was only in a very small, tight pair of briefs. "We struck gold!"

Avi stood from his seat immediately. "Holy shit. I'm the luckiest man alive."

Scott suddenly covered his eyes. "Oh no."

Mitch giggled loudly. "What happened? Got shy all of a sudden?"

Scott spoke softly. "Mitchie... He's extremely pretty." He whispered, as if it were a secret.

"I am aware of this. Why are you covering your eyes?"

"Don't wanna see Avi's boner."

Alex finally couldn't take it anymore, and he flew out of his seat to stand in front of the television. "Guys!" He froze though, now that he was able to see out one of the windows that showed a view of the driveway. "Oh shit."

Avi stepped forward to grab Alex's hips, with a smug look on his face. "Wow, you're even prettier in person."

Alex shoved him away, eyes wide in fear. He spoke in a whisper. "Avi, he's here."

Avi glanced toward the window, and without a moments hesitation, he put his hands on top of Alex's shoulders to shove him down to the ground as hard as he could. "Everybody get down. Mitch, go make sure all the doors are locked. Scott, go check all the windows, and turn off any lights."

Scott rushed off immediately, while Mitch hesitated a few seconds before following. 

Avi then directed an order at Alex. "Text Kirstie not to come home. Just to stay where ever she is."

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