Seventeen (X)

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I wasn't sure how many of you would want to read this, but just in CASE... Here's some Avilex smut xD


Avi took his time getting undressed, hoping to give Alex more time to gather his thoughts. 

Alex was being very patient, as usual, and sat on the edge of the bed watching.

Avi glanced at him. "You can keep stretching, Alex. Nobody's stoppin' you."

"I'm good." He said softly.

Avi left his clothes in a haphazard heap on the ground, before walking back toward Alex, who was unashamedly scanning him from head to toe. 

When Avi was standing between Alex's legs, he used one hand to grab Alex's chin and force his head back to meet Avi's eyes now that their height difference was reversed and more exaggerated. 

Avi smiled a little, and leaned down to kiss him once. He pulled away just to mumble, "Hands stay behind your back until I say so."

Alex was quick to obey, one of Avi's favorite things about him, before Avi continued to kiss him. They continued until Alex was breathless, Avi still squeezing his jaw ever so lightly.

Avi then retracted all form of contact, and gave Alex a small shove. "Head on the pillows. Now."

Again, Alex scrambled to obey. His face took on a light blush at how exposed he felt; how vulnerable. But it was quickly overshadowed by Avi's words invading his mind. 

Avi just smirked at him, eyeing him like he was objectified. "Damn... I'll never get used to that view, Xand."

Alex couldn't help but smile as he looked away, bashful for no reason. 

Avi then climbed onto the bed, sparing the door a quick glance to be sure it was locked as he didn't want anyone to see Alex the way that he was allowed to. 

Avi only got onto the bed to kiss Alex a little more, hoping to relieve some tension and make Alex more comfortable. Once he was through, he jumped back off of the bed and instructed Alex to lay on his back. 

Avi shocked the Hell out of Alex when he grabbed him by the shoulders, only to pull him slightly so that Alex's head was hanging off the side of the bed, eye line centered on Avi's thighs. 

Alex took a deep breath, before opening his mouth for Avi, knowing exactly what was to come. 

Avi knew too, and didn't waste time sliding into Alex's mouth. As he did so, he lightly traced a finger down Alex's exposed throat. "You alright?"

Alex hummed, hands still flat against the mattress to keep him from disobeying Avi's rule. He closed his eyes as Avi slid deeper, because Avi knew what he could handle. 

He also tried to distract Alex by sliding his hands down Alex's torso. "You can take more, can't you?" Avi stated it rhetorically, but still wanted it to be out there in case Alex wasn't up to it this time.

Alex hummed again, taking another breath through his nose.

Avi watched him in fascination, knowing Alex was trying to focus on his breathing, but also knowing that it was beginning to slip from Alex's control. 

Avi tried to remind him of that, as he slid out and back into Alex's mouth, reaching down to occasionally pinch Alex's nose shut for a moment before letting go. He reached up to grab Alex's throat every now and then as well, again reminding him who was in control right here and now. 

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