Eighty Three

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Scott and Mitch argued for most of the drive there. 

While they were speaking loudly, Alex spoke to Avi in a low enough voice so that Scott wouldn't hear him. "Can I ask you another question..?"

Avi spoke quietly too, just to humor him. "Sure. About..?" He gestured to Scott with his hand. 

Alex nodded, lowering his voice even more. "I knew that... Those men like, messed around with him... But I didn't know he was actually..."

Avi finished the sentence for him. "Raped? Uh, yeah."

"And this guy.. Josh is involved?"


"But didn't get charged for anything?"


"Why not..?"

Avi just shook his head. "I'll tell you later."


Arriving at the house, Scott sent out a quick text. 

Avi quickly smacked Alex's thigh. "So if this shit goes sour, you ready to kick some ass?"

Alex glanced at him. "I really don't like physical conflict."

"Yeah, I know. But this is about Scott, remember?"

Alex's face changed. "Yeah... You're right." He pushed open his car door. "Let's do it-- Let's kick some fucking--"

Avi grabbed his upper arm. "Calm down, Shia LaBeouf. I said if this shit goes sour."

Scott got out of the car quickly, talking loudly so they could all hear him. "But you guys don't have to come with me if you don't want to."

Mitch rolled his eyes and got out too. "Scottie, shut up. That's not gonna happen."

"I don't want anyone getting hurt."

"Nobody is gonna get hurt. You said he just wants to talk to you." Mitch argued, walking around the car to quickly step in front of Scott. 

Scott looked extremely concerned. "Yeah but I don't want there to even be a chance that--"

"You're not changing my mind about this."

"Mitchie, come on. Please?" He spoke softly, knowing that yelling wasn't going to get him anywhere.

Mitch didn't budge. "No. What is your deal?"

"I work so hard to keep you separated from that side of my life. I don't ever want you to get hurt, baby. I said I'd protect you, and I meant that."

"And I want to protect you too. So let's go." Mitch responded, turning to march toward the house.

Scott reached out to grab his wrist. "Mitchie, no. I don't want you to come with me."

Avi walked around to stand by them. "Is this really worth arguing over?"

Scott held Mitch's arm tightly. "I don't want him to be around Josh. I'm serious."

Mitch spoke quickly. "I didn't ask, Scott. I'm being serious too."

"No. Mitchell, I'm putting my foot down."

Mitch's voice took on a different, more hurt tone. "But... Why? I need to be there to protect you. You don't ever stick up for yourself, you only fight to benefit other people."

Avi tried to help. "I'll go with him, Mitch. I'll take care of him, you know that. And we don't even know that Josh is gonna try something."

Alex followed Avi, giving Mitch a sympathetic smile. "I can stay with you if you want. We can wait out here."

Mitch was still staring at Scott, trying not to let his feelings be hurt that Scott didn't want him to go in with him. "No... No, you gotta go with them."

Alex spoke softly. "Are you sure, honey? I can just--"

"You have to go with him. Both of you. And don't let anybody lay a hand on him, you understand?"


Josh let the three of them into the house, leading them to the living room. "Nobody else is gonna be around for a few more hours, just so you guys know."

Avi spoke quickly, in a sharp tone. "Why would that matter?"

"I was just saying."

Alex could tell that Scott had seen this house before, based on how scared his face was as he scanned the walls. 

Alex put a hand on Scott's lower back, giving him a smile to try to give him more confidence.

Josh turned to face Avi, seeing that he was putting up the biggest fight. "We can sit over there if you want..?"

"Let's just get this over with. If you can do it in three minutes or less, that would be great."

"Fine." Josh then looked past him at Scott. "So... It's been a while."

Scott only nodded, avoiding making eye contact. "Not long enough, I guess."

"Listen, I-- I know that there aren't words to make up for what happened to you. I know."

Avi interrupted the next sentence. "So then what the fuck are we doing here?"

"I just... I have something to give you. A-And I couldn't send it to you, because technically I'm not supposed to contact you in any way."

Scott nodded once, still avoiding looking at him. 

Alex slowly started rubbing Scott's back, as Josh walked across the room to grab something. Alex spoke softly. "You okay?"

Avi suddenly made a decision. "Alex, take Scott out of here. Whatever it is, I can bring it outside to you."

Alex didn't hesitate for a second, turning to lead Scott out the door. 

Avi had no idea what kind of sick fantasy this was, but he didn't want Scott to have to be part of it. 

Josh didn't argue though, and he waited for Scott to be out of the house before he walked over to hand Avi a small black book. 

Josh didn't look at Avi, almost ashamed to say the words. "Rick... Uh. Rick sold this to one of the guys, uh. And I know Scott's not tight with his parents, so I didn't know if he'd want it."

Avi peeked inside the book, seeing the first few pages covered in some baby pictures.

"I didn't wanna toss it, until I knew if Scott wanted it or not. I hope that's not weird, I thought I was doing the right thing.."

Avi closed the book quickly, not bothering to come to terms with how fucked up Rick was for selling it to a bunch of pedophiles. "Alright. Thanks."

"How, um... How is he?" Josh asked quietly, knowing he didn't really deserve to ask. 

"He's fine. Better than fine, I guess." Avi couldn't even come up with a sharp enough argument. "He's getting married soon. And... He's happier than I've ever seen him."

"Good. That's good." 

Avi nodded once, and then turned to walk out of the house. 

He'd only gotten a few steps toward the car, when he watched Alex hurry backward a few paces. 

Mitch tried to grab Alex's arm. "Honey, calm--"

"What the Hell do you mean you were in love with him?"

"It's not really any of your business, Le--"

"He attacked you. He hurt you. He didn't do anything to stop the people that rape--" Alex reminded him loudly.

"Alex." Avi scolded loudly, having finally caught up to them. "Shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about."


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