Fifty Two

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Hey y'all. Been a while, I'm curious how you guys are doing.

So... I took my break haha. And I'm still dealing with repercussions and stuff, but I wanted to give writing a test run so here I am xD


"I'm just glad you're done arguing." Avi responded honestly, looking over at Scott from where he was leaning over the counter in the kitchen. 

"Well we're done for now at least... He's usually not like this. I mean.. If either of us get bitchy often it's me. And usually he has to deal with it, but... I think maybe something's wrong."

"With Mitch? Did you ever consider maybe... He's stressed about starting college? Stressed about Kirstie having a boyfriend? Or Alex being on another team sport even after what happened to him the first time? Or--?"

"Okay no, I hadn't thought of those things. But... I feel like he would've come to talk to me, if he really felt that way... Don't you think?"

"I'm not a part of your relationship so I don't know, but... From what I've seen, yes. So I don't know, maybe he's just overwhelmed with all of it."

Scott nodded slowly. "I should talk to him... And I will. But... Do you think he's mad at me, personally? Or just... Upset at what's going on?"

"Probably the second one. Listen, Scott..." Avi shook his head a little and looked away. "I would love to have this conversation with you, but like... Alex is gonna be home soon from practice and I wanna make sure--"

"I understand. Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up."

"No, it's..." Avi sighed. "I'd like to have this conversation, man. Seriously. I just can't do it until he's safe at home."

Scott nodded slowly. He paused for a few seconds, and then smiled a little. "Isn't it cool that we get to call it that..? Like... I don't have to call Mitch and ask him to come over. I just... I get to wait for him to come home."

Alex walked in the door then, a smile on his face even though his hair was disheveled and he had a light sunburn on his face. "Hey guys."

Avi rushed over to him, accidentally bumping Scott's hip because he was in such a hurry. "Hey babe, how was practice?" He asked a little too quickly. 

Alex watched as Avi pulled Alex's bag off of his shoulder to set on the ground before he hugged him tightly. Alex hugged him back, smile widening a little. "It was wonderful. The guys on the team are really cool and they've been really welcoming to all the newbies."

"Good." Avi moved back a step to meet his eyes, raising an eyebrow. "They're treating you well..? Being nice and shit? Because if they're not I'll kick their asses, and you know it."

Alex giggled a little. "Yeah, I know. They're being wonderful, I promise." He looked past him at Scott. "Hey, how are you?"

Scott just shrugged. "I'm just waiting for Mitch to get back."

"Where did he go?"

"We've been talking all morning about... Stuff. And he needed a little time for himself to think things over so..."

"I'm sure he'll be back soon, honey. Don't get upset." Alex responded gently, before turning back to Avi. "I'm gonna take a quick shower."

Avi nodded once, but when Alex walked away, Avi followed him closely. 

Alex made it down the hallway before he stopped to acknowledge him. "Avi, what--?"

"I've been waiting for you to get home for like six hours--"

"I left, like, two hours ago babe--"

"And I'm not letting you out of my sight just yet."

"So... You're gonna shower with me..?"

"Yep. Why are you acting weird? We've done this before."

Alex pushed their bedroom door open. "Yeah, like once."

"Okay but I've seen you naked multiple times."

"Avi, don't say that." Alex responded with a giggle.

"Why are you so embarrassed about that? I am anything but embarrassed about that fact."

Alex giggled again, before he started pulling off his shirt. "Whatever."

Avi closed the door and then faced Alex again. "Hey, uh... If you really don't want me to go with you, I won't. I don't wanna make you feel weird."

"No, it's.." Alex sighed softly, glancing back at him. "Just... Come here and kiss me so I can explain this."

Avi walked over without hesitation, pressing a quick kiss to Alex's cheek. "Talk to me, babe... I've been listening to Scott and Mitch's arguments for like two whole days, and I really don't want that to turn into us... Alright?"

"I totally get it... And I'm not trying to argue. I'm just... Exhausted, and I'm struggling with my own thoughts. I think... I need a shower and a nap maybe. But... You can go with me if you want to."

Avi suddenly gave Alex a light push so he'd sit on the bed, and then he leaned down to kiss him on the lips. He'd been doing this often; trying to get Alex into situations that would make Avi taller so he could kiss him and feel like he wasn't the shorter of the two.

Alex was too tired to lift his arms and participate any more than he had to. 

Finally Avi moved away, and he grinned down at Alex. "So... Shower now?"


Mitch opened the front door, walking in without any emotion on his face. 

Scott was in the kitchen, bent slightly as he worked on something on the counter that Mitch couldn't see. 

Mitch closed the door quietly before walking over to Scott. "Hey, baby. What are you doing..?"

Scott jumped a little and turned around quickly. "Nothing. How are--? What are you doing?"

Mitch raised an eyebrow slightly, before grabbing a paper that Scott left sitting on the other side of the counter. "Mkay well you shouldn't leave the recipe out in plain sight maybe."

Scott pouted at him, with little bits of flour all over his shirt and a bit of a mess on his hands. "You weren't supposed to see it..."

Mitch took a deep breath, setting the paper down as he walked forward to gently put his hands over Scott's to turn them over and look at Scott's palms. "Honey, what are you up to..? Why are you making that..?"

Scott stared at their hands, and then he glanced off to his left at where his phone was propped up for the front camera to be able to see what Scott was doing. "Kev, I gotta call you back..."

Kevin waved on the screen. "Oh, hey, Mitch. I'll talk to you guys in a bit."

"But thank you so much." Scott responded, and Kevin nodded before the FaceTime ended.

Mitch was still staring at Scott's hands. "You made all of this..?"

Scott nodded slowly. "I mean... Kinda. I just wanted you to have something to eat when you came home, and... I hoped it would make you feel better, and..."

Mitch looked up at him. "Honey... You went through a lot... When did you even have time..?"

"Yeah, um... I was just trying to make your day better, and... I found all the stuff already in the house so I thought it would be easy but I had to call Kevin because I wanted it to be perfect and--"

Mitch moved his hands up to Scott's face, so he could lean up and kiss him once, before he leaned away and kept his hands where they were so he could run through Scott's beard a few times. "Babe... You're honestly so sweet."

Scott still had a pouty expression on his face. "I don't think it's very good but I was hoping I could try..."

"I'm sure it's great, babe. Thank you so much for doing all of this... Thank you so so much."


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