Twenty Nine

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Scott did his best to make Kirstie feel included. But he knew better than to push Mitch aside. 

While Kirstie was getting dressed for the date, Scott sat with Mitch on the couch to make sure he knew this. 

Scott pulled Mitch onto his lap, kissing his jaw once. "Hey... Mitchie? You're not mad at me for this, are you?"

"No, of course not. It was nice of you to invite her. It's gonna be fun, I think." Mitch had to turn his head to look at Scott, because he was sitting sideways across Scott's lap.

"Good... Just remember that I love you, and you're still my number one. And you always will be."

Mitch smiled at him, setting the flowers on the couch beside him. "I know... I know that. And I love you too. I know how you can make it up to me though."

Scott smirked at him, eyes flickering down to Mitch's lips. "Yeah? You mean when we get home from the date?"

"Mhmm... You'd be down for that?"

"Are you kidding? What kind of idiot would I have to be to say no to that?"

Mitch giggled. "You're so cute... I figured you'd say yes. You're always horny."

"That's because my boyfriend looks like a model."

"You're saying... You're horny every time you're around me?"

"Yep. One hundred percent."

Mitch giggled again, a blush on his cheeks as he looked away from Scott. "Okay... Cool."

Scott smirked, reaching out to slide a hand down the inside of Mitch's thigh. "Does that make you uncomfortable?"

Mitch's eyes immediately glared at Scott's hand. "No. Just... You're..."

Scott leaned forward to kiss Mitch's jaw again. "So... After the date, huh?"

"Yeah... Can't do it before, obviously."

"I mean... We could. But it would be sloppy, and less than the care you require."

"What is with you today? You're so... Needy."

"I'm not being needy. I just... Love you. That's all." Scott squeezed Mitch's thigh again. "Maybe a little needy..."

Mitch pushed Scott's hand away, having to use both of his own hands to do so. "Will you stop? I'm not gonna fit in these jeans if you keep that up."

Scott actually laughed at that, removing his hands from Mitch completely. "Sorry about it... You're just so tempting."


Scott was the first person to hop out of the car once they'd arrived at the restaurant, opening Kirstie's car door for her. 

She giggled and thanked him. "Such a gentleman."

He just shrugged. "Gotta work hard to keep my man."

Mitch walked around the car, giving Scott a smile. "Makin' the moves, huh?"

Scott gestured for them both to follow him toward the restaurant, putting an arm over each of them. "Don't know what I did to deserve having two gorgeous dates."

Mitch reached a hand up to hold Scott's hand as it rested on Mitch's shoulder, not saying a word. 

Kirstie only giggled. "Stop being such a sweetheart."

Scott even went as far as pulling his arms away from them, and jogging up ahead a few feet to hold the door open for them. 

Mitch couldn't help but feel a little jealous that Kirstie was getting Scott's princess treatment, because Mitch felt it was exclusively for him.

So when he walked through the door, he leaned up to kiss Scott once, hoping his eyes would convey how he was feeling.

Scott just smiled at him, seeming to miss Mitch's jealousy. "Love you."

Mitch kept walking, not wanting to hold up all the people walking in. 

Kirstie had already spoken to a hostess, and was waiting for the others so they could be seated. She could kind of see it on Mitch's face, that he was a little upset. And she knew exactly why.

Kirstie knew better than to get in the way of them, so she sat across from the two of them, so Mitch could sit beside Scott. 

As Mitch took his seat, he put his hand on Scott's knee, and stared at him for a second too long as Scott spoke with Kirstie. 

Mitch tried to take a deep breath. He had no reason to be jealous, none at all. He trusted Scott with every fiber of his being, and Kirstie was too good of a friend to hurt him. 

But at the same time... He knew how easy it was to fall in love with Scott.

Scott interrupted his thought process, by leaning toward him to kiss his cheek once, opening the menu for Mitch. "Babe, they have gluten free pasta."

"Oh..." Mitch looked over at him. "Thank you."

Scott bowed his head a little to look directly into Mitch's eyes. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Mitch tried again, more convincing this time with a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you."

Scott leaned in to kiss him once on the lips, and then once on the cheek as he pulled away. "Okay... If you say so, baby."


Alex abruptly set his fork down, glancing over at his phone. "Oh yikes."

Avi looked up from where he was going to town on his burger. "What's wrong?"

"Apparently Kirstie, Mitch and Scott are having a threeway date right now."

Avi set his burger down loudly at the word 'threesome' but exhaled loudly at the word 'date.' "Woah... That's crazy."

"I know... I just wanted to make sure she was okay, and that's what she told me."

"I always thought Scott was too possessive to do that kinda stuff."

Alex just shrugged. "Do you mind if I check that?"

"Check what?"

"My phone."

Avi tilted his head a little in confusion. "Yeah..? Why wouldn't you..?"

"Didn't wanna be rude." Alex mumbled, reaching out to grab his phone and text Kirstie back. "I'll be quick."

"It's okay. Take your time." Avi resumed with his burger, glad that Alex wasn't watching him so he could be as messy as he pleased. 

Alex set his phone back down loudly. "Sorry about that."

Avi needed time to chew a little, but then he smiled. "No worries. Glad she's not home alone."

"Yeah, me too... I feel bad for how lonely she's been recently."

"She's got Kyle though, right? So she's going somewhere."

"But I don't want her to get into it because she's lonely, or sad... Because that's how people get hurt."

"I understand." Avi looked up from his food. "I'm not taking her on our dates. No way."

Alex giggled a little. "I know that. But... You'll still be nice to her, right?"

"Obviously." Avi glanced away. "And not to be salty, but she still kissed you. So..."

"Avi, that doesn't mean anything. She and I are just friends."

"I know that. I'm just saying. I can't have a solid friendship with someone who kissed my man."

"I wasn't yours at the time, Avi... And she was drunk. And it was a long time ago."

"I know. I wasn't trying to start a debate, I was just saying."

Alex just shook his head, glancing down at his phone again. "Oh man... Looks like Mitchie's just as jealous as you are."

Avi smirked a little. "Mhmm.. We've always had that in common."


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